Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle/Plasma Caster
YK42B Pulse Rifle
The wasteland needs more zapping.
Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle/Plasma Caster
YK42B Pulse Rifle
The wasteland needs more zapping.
Combat Shotgun I didn't like the riot shotgun in NV it looked ugly.
Tommy gun
That Chinese General's Electrical Sword from Operation Anchorage
Gauss Rifle
Varmint Rifle
I like rifles, so sue me.
And it was the first rifle available, and did pretty good damage. Fairly common for both rifle AND ammo.
Any Gauss weapon, anti-materiel rifle and 44 mag chambered gun/rifle.
Laser Pistol
Hunting Shotgun
That Gun/.223 Pistol/Deckard's Gun from Bladerunner
Red Glare (an Enclave variant would be beautiful)
Plasma Caster (Winchester Plasma Rifle)
Honorable mentions: Ripper, Holorifle, Battle Rifle
Combat Shotgun
Double-Barrel Shotgun
Laser RCW
The .45 auto pistol
The .45 auto pistol
and last but certainly not least the, .45 auto pistol.
Although I guess I could swap out the last two with the anti-material rifle and the hunting shotgun if I absolutely had to.