Mine are:
鈥ire Axe (just think of the customizations you could do to this weapon, as seen in the E3 gameplay with the baseball bat you knoe you can change textures and add to the weapon so i think it would be sweet to customize the fire axe!)
鈥?357 Magnum (It is my favourite classic weapon which in the world surounded by lazer, plasma and power armor, it makes me feel real 'old school' using this gun and i would love to customize it and make it my own!)
鈥iot shotgun (my favourite base shotgun which is deadly since it fires so fast and if you stock up on ammo you can quickly pump enough shots into any enemy to take them down, i would also like to see how you can change it up a little bit.
What 3 weapons would you like to see return? do not use weapons that we know are coming back from the trailer and E3 footage example: Baseball bat, junk jet, double barrel shotgun etc. and give a reason for your answer it must be in a previous fallout tho:)