» Tue May 08, 2012 1:06 am
I hope not, I'd rather see them dealt with though DLC now, TES games being hundreds of years apart I'd want that new moved on feeling.
Ie. Thalmor are weak now, far weaker then most seem to think, thinly spread out, multiple uprising could see them overwith, removed from thier seats of power spreading influence.
Several dlcs scattered though the world and maybe if they want one slightly larger one going to summerset isle to quell them. Be nice if they could toss in the vanishing isle ofthe psyjics for fun though.
TES VI, old empire gone, independant countries or maybe a new empire rising deal with that. Settings wise if its not in DLC then summerset isles, sounds like a nice place but I'd love to see Elsewhyre the expansive deserts and cities beneath the sand, be a nice contrast to the cold now, or Blackmarsh could be interesting to see too.
Although I'd settle for TES VI Skyrim, a sequel that doesn't bring back old bugs as new and leaves choice and details out of it.