» Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:03 pm
And the baseless speculation fun continues!
Synth Focused Alternative.
The BOS arrived in the area recently and have designated the Institute as a threat to the region that’s also sitting on a stockpile of dangerously advanced tech and as such they want to take over or eliminate the Institute.
The Institute went a little nuts when people in power armor suddenly showed up wanting them to give up their toys, so they started creating large numbers of synths, both non-human looking and human looking ones, to defend themselves.
The BOS finds themselves fighting a new and hard to kill enemy, some of whom are decent at infiltration, and begins relying on the tribals for some basic resources like food, water, etc as they begin a more protracted battle than anticipated.
The Institute has always prided themselves on admitting only the best and brightest into their ranks, keeping them “pure”, and tends to not give a darn about the welfare of everyone else in the wasteland. The Institute sees the BOS actually giving a darn about the welfare of the tribals and partially relying on them for resources, and begins sending out synths to cause havoc with the commonwealth populace to force the BOS to waste time and resources defending the commonwealth instead of focusing on the Institute.
Among the bands of Synths that have been wandering around the commonwealth, a small percentage have gained sentience / malfunctioned into thinking they gained sentience (depending on your point of view) and begin attempting to escape from the control of the Institute.
Bands of commonwealth tribals have interacted with these escaping synths and have formed an underground railroad in an attempt to assist them in gaining their freedom.
Some synths wish to be left alone, however others have formed into two main groups. Group 1 wishes to take down the Institute and free their brothers and sisters from slavery and then live somewhat peacefully with the rest of the commonwealth. Group 2 has been hurt so much by their enslavement that they see all non-synths as threats and wish to not only take down the Institute but also eliminate the threat of humanity and create a “pure” synth-only world.
The BOS doesn’t know what to make of possibly sentient synths, but as almost all the synths they meet appear to shoot their members on sight, they’re inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.
The Institute sees the growing synth resistance as a significant problem and changes their synth designs to a more basic and less likely to malfunction format. They also send out synths to hunt down the malfunctioning synths.
Enter the player…
During the main quest, you can side with the Brotherhood, the Institute, and/or Group 1 of the Synths (the reasonably peaceful ones). You can convince the BOS that all the so-called sentient synths are simply malfunctioning and need to be destroyed due to them being too much of a risk, or that they really have gained sentience and the peaceful ones should be allied with. Vice-versa you can convince the Group 1 Synths that the BOS don’t represent a threat or will want to eliminate them and need to be taken out.
Main ending conditions:
1. Institute Victory, BOS Defeat, Group 1 Synths Defeat, Group 2 Synths Defeat
2. Institute Defeat, BOS Victory, Group 1 Synths Defeat, Group 2 Synths Defeat
3. Institute Defeat, BOS Victory, Group 1 Synths Victory, Group 2 Synths Defeat
4. Institute Defeat, BOS Defeat, Group 1 Synths Victory, Group 2 Synths Defeat