I'm sorry for asking such a newbie question, but how exactly do I make a bashed patch? I just installed a bunch of mods (most taken from http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pb7X4kMdvelbqrwmeFgmsEA&gid=0 and others like Race Balancing, Realistic Leveling, etc added) and am not sure what options I should check in rebuilding the patch.
I've been going off of advice from BOSS and readme's but still don't have a clear understand of what exactly I check. One of the readme's said it needs me to use the "Import Graphics" option. So do I just check that, or do I also have to check all of the esp files on the right? How do I know which ones I need?
As it stands, all I have that's checkmarked when I go to the rebuild patch window is "Alias Mod Names". This makes the patch a whopping 0k when it's done so I know something different needs to be done. How do I know what checkboxes to tick (on both the left and right)?
Thanks in advance.
When you Highlight a choice on the Left >>Look On the Right side then...IF a mod had a Tag that was under that heading then you would select whats on the Right Remembering to also tick the box on the Left...
Reason that i said Highlight first is in case nothing IS on the right then you wouldn't need to Tick that choice yet.
You really Should do this ONE mod at a time..
There IS a thread Here for this Program........They will Help you also...Read the Readme at least twice.....Build a few Bash Patches.....Play the Game...Read that Read me again...Rinse and Repeat.
Edit...Matter of fact..When i exited this post the Wrye Bash post is the one just under this one...lol