First, thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and encouragement. I'll post later today or tomorrow, although it's Thanksgiving weekend in the USA, which means lots of folks around the house.
One thing that's slowing me down is I'm torn between two different narrations styles: the traditional omnipotent third person POV or a first person POV that shifts from character to character as the story is revealed through their eyes (think Faulkner's
As I Lay Dying). I'm probably going to do the latter, since I think it forces the author to not reveal the story too early, but it will mean rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and, then, rewriting again.
As for formatting, I thought I'd just use standard publication formatting and style (space between paragraphs, dialog in quotes, no annoying POV shifts, yada,yada, yada). From the text box I'm typing in now, I can see an italics button, an underline button, a font selection, and so on - so I should have the basic text tools I need.
And yes, I'll be editing quite a bit, not only to clean the story but for continuity and clean up some rather obvious lore errors.
One idea I'm toying with is including images. Not a lot, rather like the illustrations that used to appear in novels. (I have a beautiful edition of dikeens, A Tale of Two Cities, complete with illustrations). Obviously, I can't inbed them directly into the post (I know, I've tried

). Anyway, I'd have to go back and take the pictures, so that might not happen. Maybe it's better to focus on the story first time around.
*@ Arcadian: Thanks!

Did you know I read your stuff? I think I told you that once before . . . very nice. You sort of inspired me. (Just so everyone knows who to blame when it all goes bad.

@ Darkom: Thanks, we love ice cream! Yes, I've been around a bit, haunting the general forum, making a nuisance of myself on the mod forum, generally making everyone roll their eyes. Oh well, everyone needs a hobby!
To everyone else, thanks again.