and i read all the leaked info and the leaked videos thus far.
and i think its going to be the best RPG ever made period.
Not because im Hyped for the game, i just came to realize that the game offers more then 300Hours of gameplay, you dont see it in any other game, and there seems to be alot of stuff to do campered to oblivion fallout 3 which had to much "unused Space" empty landscape.
this is the first time bethesda have Hand crafted dungeons, and not spawned them to look alike, and the first time that they got more then 3-4 voice actors.
what do you think about the game?
Dont Rush it and press 100% there are Great Contenders for the GOTY this year such as:
Saint Row 3
Borderlands 2 (first one got GOTY)
Batman Arkham city (first one got GOTY)
Battlefield 3
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Assasin creed 3
Lord of the rings war in the north
L.A noire
hitman 5
and some more...
(NOTE: GOTY winner will useally Get GOTY edition to the game. wouldnt you like that?)