I'm currently writing a compilation that instead of packaging all mods together at distribution, simply packages metadata and installation data. The end-user is still required to download the mods from their sites. The benefit of this is that I don't have to ask for distribution permissions from the author. I'm using a program called http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640 to determine whether or not a user has the correct archives. If the user does not have the correct archive, then a download link will be displayed. If the user does have the correct archive, than the archive will be extracted and portions of its contents will go into one folder, and the other portions elsewhere.
I have to insert a fake exe in the oblivion directory to make sure FOMM recognizes Oblivion. but even then I find it silly I'm forcing players to download a mod manager when all it did was extract/mod files... I hope to use the BAIN wizard script installation sinces the scripting languages in FOMM is too complex for me.
I've been told that I can accomplish the same thing with batch files through a (apparently) simple process.
Here is a sample .xml snippet to show you what FOMM does. This snippet only moves around the patches of the compilation.
It allows me to extract the stuff I want from an archive and move it around as I wish. But again, I'm forcing users to download a mod manager for another game to simply do this for them... so it's a bit clunky and unprofessional. I would like to declare 4 things
a) what directory the source archives can be found
B) if a archive cannot be found, then where to find it
c) Where contents are extracted too
d) Extraction installations. i don't want to move all the contents in an archive to the same folder. Sometimes there is junk. For example,
I could have just written
But there were a few junk files in the data directory of that archive.
Basically, I would like to do something like this.
If Archive Exists __________ then Installation Instructions and move to _______. Else, link to missing archive __________.
Is it possible to do this via batch file? And if so, could someone write a small template and/or direct me to a series of links and tutorials? I have very little batch experience... but I'm willing to learn. If there is another somewhat standalone method of doing this, please tell me.
Thank you very much for the help.

As for the project, Oblivion Community Metadata (OCM) I could go the following ways...
- Full FOMM use (but requires me to learn FOMM xml @_@)
- Hybrid FOMM and Wyre Bash (Kind of svcks that I have to do this, but this us currently what I do).
- Batch File (or something else) and Wyre Bash (preferred)
OCM is sort of a giant compilation... that does not distribute the mods itself, you still download them through a link list. The benefit of this is that
- I don't have to handle distribution issues with the author. This is the hardest part! And clearly, the BEST perk.
- When a user downloads OCM and installs it he also gets the "latest version" of other mods. In other compilations, when a individual mod updates (and you don't know about it), you would have to wait for the compilation to update. This is not true with OCM, as long as the OCM creator keeps up with meta data, which isn't too hard... the end-user gets updates fairly frequently.
- Very modular thanks to BAIN wizard scripting.
- You still have to download the mods (but I provide a link list, and FOMM tells you if you are missing something).
- Current setup (hybrid) forces a user to move around files a bit @_@
- If the file author changes archive name or archive directory structure... metadata has to account for that. The latter does not happen often, but some authors put a version number on their archive... that changes with each upload -.- It would be nice if modders just use the version number via tesnexus rather than the version number in the archive. This is the hardest to overcome.