Batch Renamer

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:07 am


I like to keep my Data Files folder as tidy as possible, and for me that means renaming all my mods files, i.e. "UFR_v3dot2_noRobe.esp" -> "Unique Finery Replacer - No Robes.esp".
It just makes things a whole lot nicer to look at and a lot easier to find.

I also use Wrye Mash's "Installers" tab; this means that in order for Mash to recognise my renamed plugins, I have to fill in a CSV (comma separated values) file called "Official_Default.csv". For those who haven't used this file before, it's a simple file consisting of a list of renamed mods in the form: "Old Name.esp,New Name.esp".

I realised a little too late that mlox, another great utility, relies on the plugins having their original names. Well, I wasn't about to change all the names back!

Today I had an idea - to search for (or, if necessary, make) a program that can automagically switch between the old filenames and the new filenames, so I can still use mlox when I need to, while keeping my custom-named plugins.

I found which can do exactly what I was looking for. I thought I'd post this here in case anyone else has ever found themself in the same boat and would benefit from this.

Granted, the program is a little bloated, but it's not too hard to use once you've set it up the first time. Here are some simple instructions I wrote to get you started:

1. Open Flash Renamer
2. In the "Browser" tab, find your Data Files folder
3. Click on the "Advanced" button and select the "CSV List" tab
4. Open your "Official_Local.csv" (Data Files\Mash folder)
5a. Ensure the following settings are selected in the CSV List tab:
* Separator: Comma
* Case Sensitive
5b. Ensure the following settings are selected in the settings panel at the top:
* Include: Files
* Process Name
* Process Extension
6a. To change the file names from Official -> Local set the column numbers to 1 and 2
6b. To change the file names from Local -> Official set the column numbers to 2 and 1
7. Check the "Browser" tab; you should get a preview of the results
8. Click "Rename"

Anyway, I hope this helps someone. I also wondered if anyone knew of an ever simpler program to do this little job? Ideally what I'd like is a file I can just run that will automatically switch between the 2 different filename settings; no need for an interface or anything.


- Danjb
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