I mean come on, is using the bathroom against Tes lore? All bethesda has to do is add little wooden stalls around in a city. I kinda doubt that it will be in the game, so the only other choice is mods. I think having to use the bathroom will work well with a hardcoe mode. What do you guys think?
I do not think there will be a hardcoe mode, and bathrooms wouldnt really make a difference. Your character could soil himself and still do everything he could do with clean trousers im guessing lol.
(btw I watched some of your vids last night, good work)
Just one of those things that's not really needed in TES games. If you want to watch your character pee his/her pants, buy a Sims game. Or if you want it that bad, get it for PC and find a mod.
Nope, not needed. If you listen carefully, though, the ground may squish when walking next to bushes. They did that you. for roleplaying, sprint back and forth in grass a bit then continue on your journey.
Might help with immersion but it would be sooo annoying. You don't make it to the bathroom in time so now you smell like **** and no one wants to talk to you.