The bushes. This is Skyrim damn it; You want to take a duce, you do it outside like a real Nord. Not a pansy milk-drinker!
The buckets found in corners with Potions of True Shot and copies of common Books, and the occasional Potions of Restore Stamina and Fortify Two-Handed are Bathrooms. Only the Dwemer have plumbing, everyone else uses a Bucket. Outhouses should have been included in Hearthfire.
I haven't seen a single NPC use them.
Also in Oblivion there is a huge sewer system under the IC yet no bathrooms.
It is not unfamiliar to anyone who has read Tolkien!
That's just the way it is - there are no toilets heheh, just buckets.
And it's just... not mentioned, not discussed. Left to your imagination!
Thank goodness for those wading through dank forts etc, there is no olfactory input...
Would have been kinda brutal.
Yeah we've (most of us) got it pretty soft in our modern world today.
I haven't seen a single NPC give birth. Heck, I haven't seen any child under 7. Nords have clearly been affected by a terrible disease making them all sterile and they're dying out. That's why every bandit in the province attacks Dovahkiin without fear, they don't want to watch their nation go extinct and decide to die a warrior's death.
hey I just wanted to let you know there are a ton of amazing bathrooms inserted by numerous AMAZING Mod on PC. These Mod authors blew my mind with the beautiful new homes with hot tubs, showers etc.. Please check them out on Steam or Nexus for Skyrim, and if you play xbox like I did once, when you see what is on these sites you'll never go back to xbox!
I saw a bandit using one once. I walked around a corner in Fort Dunstad and there he was, sitting on a bucket, reading Boethiah's Pillow Book.
"Whatcha reading?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder.
The bandit quickly shoved the book behind his back. "Nothing," he said. "Go away."
"What's behind your back there?" I asked, pointing.
"Nothing. Hey, how about a little privacy here?"
"Boethiah's Pillow Book," I said. "A classic if ever there was one. Is that the illustrated edition?"
His mouth fell open. "There's an illustrated edition?"
"Yeah. I've seen it with my own eyes. I saw it in a bookshop in Cyrodiil."
"A what?"
"A bookshop. It's something they have in Stros M'Kai, High Rock, Vvardenfell, Cyrodiil. Actually pretty much everywhere but Skyrim."
"A store that sells books?" He looked at me doubtfully.
"I know, it sounds weird. But I swear, I'm telling the truth."
"So," he said, interested, "what did it look like?" He lowered his voice. "Did it show anything?"
"No, I didn't actually look inside the book. The owner threw me out before I could touch anything. I'm a Rogue," I explained.
"Hey, me too!"
"Yeah, it's a small world, isn't it?" I said. "Well look, I have to be getting along." I nodded toward the stairs. "Have to go slaughter some bandits. You know how it is."
"Oh, sure. Well, it was nice to meet you." He extended his hand.
"No, no, that's alright." I demurred. "I don't really have time to shake hands right now. But thanks anyway."
True story.
THere are plenty of bathrooms. You just don't recognize them because you are expecting plumbing. Several of the forts have indoor bathrooms, and there are tons of buckets/bedpans lying around.
These are small things that bother me in the game. There are also no facilities for general hygiene anywhere. There should be bath houses in every town and city.
Poop in the Buckets, wash in the lakes and streams. What's so hard about that?
I always see a copy of "Yellow Book of Riddles" near the "bathrooms".
Find the closest bunny in the area. Might be a bit rough touch, but you'll get use to it eventually. The bunny, however, will not enjoy the experience.
Never heard of using leaves huh? Nature provides.
You'd think that the ruined books would have been used up for TP or just burned by now.