Batman being reinvented?

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:25 am

WTF?! I just read an article about how after Batman Rises, they are going to reinvent Batman again.

Didn't they just do this for the 2nd time? Now we are going to have it for the 3rd time so soon? I am getting a bit sick and tired of how everything is being redone, reinvented, what ever you want to call it. Batman was just redone, Superman is going to be "redone" and I believe they are doing the same with the Xmen now.

So why even bother watching a movie espically a comic book movie if it's just going to be redone in 5 or 10 years from now. How many times are we going to see, Bruce Wayne as a kid with his parents and they die from a roober in an alley way. Then he falls down a cave and has bats and he gets scared from them, becomes a playboy then becomes Batman.

I know I don't want to see this again, just like I don't want to see a young Peter Parker gets bullied and made fun of fro fellow students, goes on a class trip and gets bitten from a radio active spider. We all konw it, and SAW it already.

I can understand sequals but reboots are getting boring now.

So what do you think of this? Are you ready for everything being rebooted all the time?
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:03 am

Looking forward to Nolan's third Batman film, after that I really don't care to see another. :P
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:49 am

Haven't they been reinventing batman/superman/xmen in the comics since like the 70s? :huh:

Personally, I don't care. Times change, and I think its OK to adapt properties to modern sensibilities. I don't think having multiple versions of something invalidates them, it just gives you more choice.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:47 am

Looking forward to Nolan's third Batman film, after that I really don't care to see another. :P

My thoughts exactly. I think this is the begining of the end of movies based on comic books. Finally we are starting to get good movies from comic books but now, they just milked the cow to much with the same story over and over and over again.
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James Smart
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:19 pm

Eh, it's happened a lot. I think Nolan's trilogy will stand as some of the best Batman movies.
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Da Missz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:51 am

I'd rather see more stand-alone films rather than tons of superhero origin stories. If the post-Nolan movies are going to follow this format it seems fine to me, and expected given Nolan's diminished involvement. However if they decide to start from the beginning again . . . ug.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:25 pm

Unless they're going for campy comedy recapturing the days of Adam West, I see no need to reboot it.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:06 am

They're going to update it for the modern generation. Instead of his parents dying when he's a child, he's going to have perfect life. When he turns 14, he goes into an emo phase where he becomes obsessed with bats and My Chemical Romance. He stays in this phase through art school, where he ends up living in a mediocre apartment in Gotham City. He works at the local coffee shop and sells his paintings/drawings of bats. People begin referring to him as the Batman. He keeps in touch with his parents who are proud of his moderate success. The first movie ends with him meeting Barbara and falling madly in love with her. Obvious cliffhanger.

Second movie is about how he pursues her love. Romantic comedy.

Third movie is a shaky-cam horror movie where Bruce and Barbara are chased by Barbara's exboyfriend, Harvey, who developed schizophrenia after Barbara left him.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:57 pm

They're going to update it for the modern generation. Instead of his parents dying when he's a child, he's going to have perfect life. When he turns 14, he goes into an emo phase where he becomes obsessed with bats and My Chemical Romance. He stays in this phase through art school, where he ends up living in a mediocre apartment in Gotham City. He works at the local coffee shop and sells his paintings/drawings of bats. People begin referring to him as the Batman. He keeps in touch with his parents who are proud of his moderate success. The first movie ends with him meeting Barbara and falling madly in love with her. Obvious cliffhanger.

Second movie is about how he pursues her love. Romantic comedy.

Third movie is a shaky-cam horror movie where Bruce and Barbara are chased by Barbara's exboyfriend, Harvey, who developed schizophrenia after Barbara left him.

Wow... what a svcker punch to the generational gut. So who pissed you off so bad?
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:02 am

Why can't anyone make new super-hero comics or some [censored]?

Tired of all this Superman/Batman/X-man crap.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:25 am

...How many times are we going to see, Bruce Wayne as a kid with his parents and they die from a roober in an alley way. Then he falls down a cave and has bats and he gets scared from them, becomes a playboy then becomes Batman. ...

Agree completely. We've seen that well all know that. Batman Begins set the standard for that. That's enough.

No need to "reinvent" Batman, if that means restarting from scratch.

We we need are great Batman stories.

I could see a re-emphasis. For example, instead of emphasizing fighting, maybe some that emphasis his detective abilities. Or maybe some elaborate escapes. Etc. I think some of the cartoons actually do a great job at that, and some of that could be carried over to films.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:50 am

They're going to update it for the modern generation. Instead of his parents dying when he's a child, he's going to have perfect life. When he turns 14, he goes into an emo phase where he becomes obsessed with bats and My Chemical Romance. He stays in this phase through art school, where he ends up living in a mediocre apartment in Gotham City. He works at the local coffee shop and sells his paintings/drawings of bats. People begin referring to him as the Batman. He keeps in touch with his parents who are proud of his moderate success. The first movie ends with him meeting Barbara and falling madly in love with her. Obvious cliffhanger.

Second movie is about how he pursues her love. Romantic comedy.

Third movie is a shaky-cam horror movie where Bruce and Barbara are chased by Barbara's exboyfriend, Harvey, who developed schizophrenia after Barbara left him.

Hahahaha. I'd sig it but it's too long. Too bad. :D
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jessica robson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:19 am

How much more can you reinvent it? Seems like it got as realistic as you could get while still being good old Batman with the recent films.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:38 pm

It seems to me they mean "character development" not outright starting over. Like, maybe their moving forward into making him a different character, but still including a transitional phase, instead of just being like "Oh hey, everything is now completely different. Have fun!"
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:49 pm

They're going to update it for the modern generation. Instead of his parents dying when he's a child, he's going to have perfect life. When he turns 14, he goes into an emo phase where he becomes obsessed with bats and My Chemical Romance. He stays in this phase through art school, where he ends up living in a mediocre apartment in Gotham City. He works at the local coffee shop and sells his paintings/drawings of bats. People begin referring to him as the Batman. He keeps in touch with his parents who are proud of his moderate success. The first movie ends with him meeting Barbara and falling madly in love with her. Obvious cliffhanger.

Second movie is about how he pursues her love. Romantic comedy.

Third movie is a shaky-cam horror movie where Bruce and Barbara are chased by Barbara's exboyfriend, Harvey, who developed schizophrenia after Barbara left him.

They'd never get to the second movie. Look how long we went without a Batman movie after Batman and Robin came out.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:57 pm

Excellent. The new one should be based on Frank Miller's All-Star Batman & Robin. The title should be The [censored] Batman.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:45 pm

I really doubt that Nolans' interpretation can be one-upped. If it was a series that svcked, I wouldn't mind it being reinvented, but not this.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:37 am

No! Nolan is doing it right. I would like to request they stop with the reinventions and do-overs and just let Nolan direct all future Batman films.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:36 am

I haven't collected comics for over 15 years but I would love to see a movie on "Death of Superman" or when Batman got his back broken or do a proper "God Love, Man Kills" not a water down version of it.

Why does Hollywood have to change things when changing doesn't have to happen? One of the reasosn Nolan's Batman is so good, it has a the "feel" of true comic book in a life like setting while the xmen espically the last one is not really comic book at all and watered down. Too much has been changed from the Xmen movies that it doesn't feel like it's from the comic books.

Same goes for Spiderman as well. They want to make it like it's real like it could happen but change too much what was established in comic books.

After Nolan's Batman Rises, why would I even want to bother with the next Batman movie if it is just going to be "reinvented" when I know then in 5 or 10 years it will be "reinvented" again and again.

All this will do is make comic book movies a joke again. It took over 20 years for comic book super hero movies to be taken seriously. Now they are sending it back to the joke they were before. So sad.

I can't even get excited for the Avenger movie, I can't get excited for the Captian America movie, and what ever else is coming out, because, why get attactched to it, if they are just going to change or reinvent it again. Another good example is The Hulk. Back to back moveis that are basically reinvention of the Hulk. So what is next? We will see how mild manner Bruce Banner is a geek and then turns into the hulk again? Sorry seen it twice already don't need to see it again.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:08 am

Bad time to mention the
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:54 pm

WTF?! I just read an article about how after Batman Rises, they are going to reinvent Batman again.

Didn't they just do this for the 2nd time? Now we are going to have it for the 3rd time so soon? I am getting a bit sick and tired of how everything is being redone, reinvented, what ever you want to call it. Batman was just redone, Superman is going to be "redone" and I believe they are doing the same with the Xmen now.

So why even bother watching a movie especially a comic book movie if it's just going to be redone in 5 or 10 years from now. How many times are we going to see, Bruce Wayne as a kid with his parents and they die from a roober in an alley way. Then he falls down a cave and has bats and he gets scared from them, becomes a playboy then becomes Batman.

I know I don't want to see this again, just like I don't want to see a young Peter Parker gets bullied and made fun of fro fellow students, goes on a class trip and gets bitten from a radio active spider. We all konw it, and SAW it already.

I can understand sequals but reboots are getting boring now.

So what do you think of this? Are you ready for everything being rebooted all the time?

This one line is how I feel as a whole. Ive never really seen a good comic book movie, except maybe Sin City, which was alright and not even really a comic book movie. I cant really see how the new Batman can be any worse than the Nolan films. With that said though, I think CB movies should die a death. Along with whoever was responsible for remaking Arthur. they'll rot in hell for that one.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:59 am

I really liked Nolan's Batman movies so why did they have to reboot? :(
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claire ley
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:28 am

batman movies just need to stop. I have never really fully enjoyed one all the way through. The cartoons are great! I wish they could get the directors that do the cartoons to do a movie. They actually know what they are doing.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

The reboot is so that they can do a Justice League movie.

Nolan's Batman, while awesome, doesn't really fit in the same world as Superman/etc.

So, to have a Batman who fits more into a "lots of heroes around" movie-verse..... reboot.

(Of course, the Avengers movie may bomb, which will reduce the odds of DC trying to copy Marvel's "half-dozen origin movies -> team-up!" concept)
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:47 am

Wait... why? They just did Batman reboot not too long ago and so far, its sequels seem to be doing pretty well. Batman begins came after a long absence of live-action Batman movies, and the main reason for said absence was... well, I think the fact that the last movie in the previous Batman movie series had Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze speaks for itself. I mean, I like Schwarzenegger, but I simply can't take him fighting Batman as a villain who freezes people and makes horrible ice related puns seriously, and the other things in the movie weren't any better, especially when compared to the much darker tone the first and second movie had. Once you introduce the Bat Credit Card into your movie series, a reboot is the only hope, but the current series seems to be doing pretty well so far, and even if the third movie actually became a huge failure, you usually weight until after that happens before deciding that the series has no hope, and even then, you'd probably want to weight some time before actually starting anew. I mean, we already saw the events leading up to Bruce Wayn becoming Batman when we saw Batman Begins, our memories aren't that bad, you don't need to remind us how Batman started so soon. If Hollywood wants another Batman movie, it seems to me that they could just continue the current series.

The reboot is so that they can do a Justice League movie.

Nolan's Batman, while awesome, doesn't really fit in the same world as Superman/etc.

I suppose if that's the reason, I could sort of understand it better, because I certainly can't imagine Superman, Wonder Woman and what not existing in the same world as the most recent Batman movies, still, I don't think that necessarily requires rebooting the franchise, at this point, people who would watch the movie probably already know who Batman is, so you can probably just have him show up without explaining his origin again and make it still make sense, as long as you make it clear that the movie isn't connected to the other Batman films, if you want to proceed it with movies introducing characters who would appear, I'd think characters who haven't had movies made about them recently should be the first priority, since mainstream viewers might not know who they are, but hey, that's just me.
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