I notice the updates mention a speed enhancement to the batsuit, wouldn't heavy and restrictive armor slow you down? Just a thought
Don't forget, the 'heavy' batman armor he dons in some comics during certain encounters (such as going into space, etc) is a form of powered armor (real world equivalent, not the goofy implausible crap in fallout 3) and would have pneumatics as well as small powerful motors assisting movement.
For an example (albeit large and bulky) of the beginnings of where power-armor is starting in the real world, check out news clips (google them) and youtube vids of 'exoskeleton' and 'powered suit', especially coupled with 'us army'.
These devices range anywhere from a leg brace type appliance with a small but high horsepower motor and belt or gear style setup, all the way to full on pneumatics and hydraulics like the cargo lifter suit used in Aliens.
A smart feller like Bruce Wayne, with unlimited time, money and an entire industrial base at his beck and call (Wayne Enterprises) could surely adapt even such primitive, bulky devices to the size and power he would need
Another good example would be pictures of space trooper armor from Star Wars. While I don't recall it being seen in the first three films, I THINK there might have been one scene showing some in the 'prequels'. If not, there are certainly prime examples of it in both video games and renders. I recommend Starwars.com.
The star wars variant space trooper armor is probably the most plausible appearance of powered armor I've seen...it's bulky, but covers *everything*, unlike Fallout 3 power armor, which has idiotic unprotected gaps all over the place and little to NO evidence of any motor assist devices.
Also, as a person who wears a motor assisted limb appliance (due to nerve damage from a bad car accident some years ago I have partial leg and foot paralysis), I can tell you that, with a bit more power, the device I wear would not only NOT slow me down, but might actually speed me up.
What it WOULD do, and DOES do, however, is make me a bit less...agile. I imagine a guy in power armor could run like the wind for long periods of time, but stepping out of the way of an oncoming truck would require heroic measures like a full on pell-mell power dive to the side.
Dancing cheek to cheek in powered armor would probably be a big NOOOO, but I can see someone break dancing in it