Alright, so I've been having this issue with "The Battle of Bunker Hill". Originally I started the mission, then realized that it may be the "point of no return" quest, so I wanted to get Danse's and Deacon's perks first (only to later realize I couldn't get Danse's until later on anyways, rip). So, I reloaded a previous save and went around doing side quests and simply exploring a bit as well for a few hours. Now when I went to go speak to the Courser to begin the quest again (As I am siding with the Institute), he wasn't in the alley he was previously. It said that the waypoint for "Reach Bunker Hill" was down southwest a ways, in-between the Old Corner Bookstore, the Boston Bugle Building, and the Mass Fusion building. I was bemused, so I went down there to the exact spot the waypoint was telling me to. Nothing was happening, and nobody was there. I tried exiting the game, reloading previous saves, shutting down the Xbox One, and basically everything I could think of. Nothing worked. The only thing that's improved is the fact that the waypoint randomly moved while I was there after returning a few hours later after initially giving up (Fighting was going on in the distance and I was receiving random XP). But, it only moved to a bus behind the Mass Fusion building, saying the destination was ~74 feet above me. Now it's been stuck like this for a few hours and I can't start the quest at all.