Father will be irritated, but you can side with the Synths.
Just keep in mind that the quest directly after the Battle of Bunker Hill appears to be the "Stopping Point" for Institute quests if you don't want to disrupt your standing with other factions.
Nope. Father just wants to know why.
Sadly, you have to lie.
You don't. I confessed to him that I saved the Synth and while he got angry, he still proclaimed me his successor. No charisma check needed.
I wish there was a way of joining the Institute but turning down leadership. "Thanks son, just what I want to do with my life...babysit a bunch of amoral eggheads."
No, you can tell the truth and get kicked out of the Institute. That's what happened to me.
I meant tell the truth and continue the Institute.
lol this quest is funny if you are buddies with all factions. i only had to fight the machine gun turrets in the building. I just watched all the gun fights and looted the dead bodies. I'll be picking a side for sure the next time on my second playthrough that i just started up. Just finished up the Institute ending.