» Sun May 29, 2011 1:23 am
Gonna miss Mysticism. I made a mystic yesterday in Morrowind who focuses on Alteration and Mysticism and I'm having a blast. I made a 30 point absorb health on touch spell at level 2 that has a 86% chance of success and only costs 20 something magicka to cast (I have 100 maximum magicka, so is pretty cheap). I already have mark and recall, and I'm using it to its full potential.
I really enjoyed mysticism because it acted like a great magical tool box. You could really accomplish a lot of things with it. I hauled 400 weight worth of goodies from Mzuleft using telekinesis and a magical amulet that I got off one of the enemies that increases my strength on use. The telekinesis let me grab stuff across the room so I didn't have to move (or TRY to move) to get them. Then I recalled back to my home base at the Ald'Ruhn mages guild and unloaded on the enchanter there. Made a killing.
That being said, with Mysticism gone, I'll probably lean more towards alteration, although I can never be sure until I see just where mysticism's spells have gone and just what kind of spells we have that are new. However, I will DEFINITELY use enchanting (although it isn't a magical school). That mystic I made is uses enchanting VERY heavily, and it is a freaking BLAST. I really want to know who thought player enchanting was useless in Morrowind? I'm making paper (yes, I'm using ordinary paper, it has 5 enchant points) to make fire on touch, heal on self, and absorb on touch scrolls. The absorb health scrolls do 10-19 damage. That is VERY respectable, especially considering it cost me a piece of paper and a crappy little soul gem. I'm really excited to see how they brought back enchanting.