» Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:26 pm
If all were their own separate army?
Nords or Imperials, undoubtedly. Unless the Bosmer hunkered down in their trees and performed guerilla warfare to the end, and they'd more than likely just keep invaders out, and not actually win.
The Imperials lead the Empire, and have shown they are VERY efficient and powerful conquerors. Hell, they've already beat every other province, they just need to do it again, which may be more difficult. They have a large army, lots of funds, roads all across Tamriel, and tons of resources that can be easily tapped into.
The Nords WERE the first Imperials, in a sense, and Talos (a Nord), was the first Emperor. It's not too far-fetched to believe they could technically 'win', albeit with heavy losses.
Thinking about it, the Redguards might bring an incredibly fight to the other races, as well. They were in a brutally crippled position, and they started a massive rebellion, and actually took out the Thalmor in their province, as an independent province. While the Empire didn't lose, and just signed a peace treaty to avoid losses, the Redguards did, without a doubt, defeat the Thalmor.
So, in short: Humans would wipe the floor with pansy elves.