Here was a Battlemage build I have been trying in Beta and I just thought I would share it. I am definitely going to be using and improving upon it when ESO goes live.
A High Elf (Altmer), Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, Sorcerer. I used to play WoW so I wanted to make a Death Knight like class but my build became much more as ESO is much more flexible. However, if Necromancy is ever added, then I will probably make an "Unholy Death Knight" build. As for now, I am very satisfied with the build.
The five slotted abilities are as follows:
Dark Magic
- [Active] Encase - Dark shards erupt from the ground, immobilizing enemies in front of you for 4.5 secs.
Casting Time: Instant
Range: 15m x 3m Area
Cost: 70 Magicka
Morph - Restraining Prison - Adds a snare after immobilization ends.
- [Active] Bolt Escape - Teleport forward in a straight line, stunning nearby enemies for 1.5 secs.
Casting Time: Instant
Range: Self
Cost: 56 Magicka
Morph - Streak - Damages and disorients enemies in front of you that you teleport through.
- [Active] Critical Charge – Charge to target and attack, dealing guaranteed critical physical damage.
Casting Time: Instant
Range: 3.5 - 22m
Cost: 49 Stamina
Morph - Critical Rush - Deals bonus damage based on distanced traveled.
- [Active] Uppercut – After a short cast time, deals physical damage to an enemy, stunning them for a short duration and knocking them back a small distance.
Casting Time: 1 Sec
Range: 7m
Cost: 60 Stamina
Morph - Dizzying Swing - Causes enemy to deal less damage.
Storm Calling
- [Active] Surge - Increased weapon damage for 17 secs.
Casting Time: Instant
Range: Self
Cost: 70 Magicka
Morph - Critical Surge - Critical strikes heal player for 50% damage dealt.
- Storm Calling
- [Active] Overload - A toggle-able attack mode. While Overload is active, light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost Ultimate as their resource.
Casting Time: 0.5 Secs
Range: Self
Cost: 125 Ultimate
Morph - Energy Overload - Light and Heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions with increased damage and restore some magicka.
People seem to believe that this kind of build will not do well in PvP but after some play testing in the beta I have had great success with it.
To elaborate, at first your go to Ultimate will be Overload but later Dawnbreaker may become a viable replacement as more players may become Werewolves and Vampires. The way this build works is by keeping your opponent(s) stunned or snared and using your Two-Handed weapon to deal damage. Heavy Armor helps to keep you alive.
A typical rotation would be something like this;
- Open with Overload which allows you to buff your upcoming Light and Heavy attacks.
- Encase from range.
- Critical Charge followed by Light and/or Heavy attacks.
- Follow up with Bolt Escape.
- Critical Charge again followed by Light and/or Heavy attacks.
- Uppercut to keep you enemy stunned. the knockback can be used to gain a little breathing room.
As far as Passive Skills go, it time I would max all the Altmer Racial Bonuses as well as Light Armor and Heavy Armor Passives. As well all Sorcerer Passives would be maxed out and other Sorcerer Skills would be taken for various situations, ie. PvE Tanking or more AOE damage. Some PvP Bonuses could also be taken.
Blacksmithing would be maxed as well as Enchanting. Also, Alchemy would be the next focus getting it close to max or maxed out if possible.