I havent used any magic yet in this game and was considering starting a "Battlemage" save. How have a lot of you other Battlemages decided to build, and play your character? Light or heavy armor? Axe, mace, or sword? Where did you focus most of your perk/skill points?
Basically I am just trying to get a feel for how a typical Battlemage is played. Like I said I haven't tried magic in this game yet and thought a Battlemage would be a good choice so that i can use both a weapon I am familiar with, and then toss in some magic in the mix as well.
I am currently playing what I like to call "Storm Sorcerer". So far it works very well. I am level 32, and haven't found a situation that I wasn't able to overcome. This is more of a roleplaying build than a min/max; but even so I think I have done a good job of balancing it. Here it is as a copy/paste from my personal notes...
Nordic Storm-Sorcerer ( Magicka 500 / Health 300 / Stamina 300 )
Race: Nord
Name: Haakon Drakesbane
Perk Total: [50-80]
"Nordic Storm-Sorcerers are a rare class of warrior. These masters of lightning magic are also adept users
of Thu'um. As reclusive as they are, going unnoticed, even in the midst of their enemies, they develop
skills in stealth very easily. Because of this, most of their enemies will never see them until a magically
bound blade or arrow is in their flesh. Even if they survive this initial attack, they must face the wrath
of lightning and well-honed martial skills. The most advanced Storm-Sorcerers will summon storm atronachs
while creating intense electrical storms with their synergy of magicka and Thu'um."
Major Skills:
1) One-Handed (15 Perks focusing on "Armsman"/"Bladesman"/"Dual-Savagery"/"C.Charge"/"S.Stike"/"P.Strike")
2) Archery (6 Perks focusing on "Overdraw"/"Critical Shot")
3) Sneak (8 perks focusing on "Stealth"/"Muffled Movement"/"Deadly Aim")
4) Destruction (10 perks focusing on "Incinerate"/"Impact"/"Master")
5) Conjuration (7 Perks focusing on "Mystic Binding"/"Atromancy"/"E.Potency"/"Twin Souls"/"Dual-Cast")
6) Restoration (4 Perks on "Recovery"/"Avoid Death")
Minor Skills:
7) Heavy Armor (0-10 Perks focusing on "Juggernaut"/"Fists of Steel"/"Conditioning"/"Tower of Strength")
8) Block (0-5 Perks on "Shield Wall")
9) Enchanting (0-8 Perks focusing on "Enchanter"/"Extra Effect")
10) Smithing (0-7 Perks focusing on "Dragon Armor"/"Arcane Blacksmithing")
Miscellaneous Skills: [No Perks]
Early Game: Level 1-11
~Sneak attack with Bound Sword and Bound Bow (If you know where to get it...).
~Focus perks in "Mystic Binding", "Armsman", "Overdraw", and "Impact". Level the attribute Magicka.
Mid Game: Level 11-51
~Sneak attack, and then Summon Storm Atronach as a shield.
~Finish Perks for Major Skills. Balance attributes as needed.
Late Game: Level 51+
~Summon two Storm Atronachs, shout Storm Call, and cast Lightning Storm with Cost Reduction gear and perks.
~Finish Perks for Minor Skills