Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, as the questions will mostly involve a mod (Mighy Magic http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13166/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D13166%26preview%3D&pUp=1 ) But it's also related to character building, so I wasn't sure if the mod forum would be correct..but if this isn't the right place, feel free to move the thread.
1. I don't know the magicka cost of the new spells that have been added, or how/if the magicka cost have been altered on old spells, so: Would I be able to play as a battle-mage kind of class, whom will focus on 2H weapon and heavy armor but also using only spells like Magelight, Conjure Daedra/atronach/Thrall, Soul Trap, Imbue Weapon spells, Carry weight modifying spells, spells like Ogre strength, and some emergency healing, whithout spending a single point in Magicka?
I was thinking of going for a 2/1 stamina/health build so that I will remain strong in melee, as spending points in magicka as well would probably make me a lot weaker as a melee character,, so it'd be nice to know if this will work or not. I would be enchanting magicka on some armor pieces, however.
2. Probably an obvious answer to this one, but I decided to ask just in case; will this mod affect NPC spellcasters as well? On master, I always felt like mages could 2-3 shot me with certain spells.. will this mod make them stronger?