Heavy armour, blade, hand to hand, destruction, restoration. Yes, but you picked a few locks, so I'm guessing you're an Agent.
Every time.
Well, there's absolutely nothing necessary in any of those locked chests, and unless you're on an awfully high difficulty, a naked Bosmer could fight his way through that tutorial with nothing but one of the clubs you can pick up in the beginning of the "rat run." So one doesn't actually have to use skills that aren't suited to the build they're actually going for.
I have a character who went through the tutorial without fighting anything at all; she just ran and healed herself all the way. I think Baurus guessed her to be a sorcerer, which is close enough.
In my opinion, there's really nothing wrong with the way the game is anolyzing the tutorial for a suggested class. The only problem is that Sneak and Security are leveling a bit too quickly, and throw off the result. This can also happen with other skills, if you use them without intending to. For instance, it's possible to advance Acrobatics, Athletics, and Block several levels, if you fall back on habits learned with previous characters.
(Well, there's another problem, maybe... Maybe we're taking Baurus's guess too seriously!
