I'm not good at introducing a topic, so I'll just get to the point:
I guess many people here know "Nords with Beards" and "Equippable Beards". These mods are cool, but they have certain flaws: Firstly, they only work for the player, not for NPCs, and secondly, one of them is only for Nords and the other one only has equippable beards, which means that they don't move with the mouth.
Now, I don't understand this. Because adding beards to NPCs isn't actually that hard. You make a new race for every beard mesh & color you have, and then you change the races of certain NPCs accordingly.
"There are some problems with that", you might say. But so far the only one that comes to my mind is that the new races don't get the dialogue that has an NPC's race as a condition. And those are mostly the chit-chat between NPCs, so it's not even a big problem. On top of this, I've heard that there is even an OBSE function with which you can tell the game to act as if the new race was actually one of the vanilla races, so that way we could get rid of this problem completely.
So today I tinkered around a bit, and I discovered something else: Changing the race of an NPC doesn't even seem to affect mods like TNR (Tamriel NPCs Revamped). To be more precise: I made a plugin that is dependent on RBP (Race Balancing Project) and made a Breton race with a beard, which also had all the RBP hair and eyes. I changed Alberic Litte to that race, and put the plugin at the end of my load order (and added RBP to its master files). Before it, I had one of the NPC Diversity plugins from RBP; one that included TNR and that also changed Alberic Litte's haircut to one of throttlekitty's.
As you can see, he still has throttlekitty's haircut and TNR's face - even though (or because?) I let my race-changing plugin load after the Bashed Patch.
His dialogue seemed fine as well, and he even had a conversation with somebody else shortly after I made that screenshot (though I can't say if it was a race-specific conversation).
So this all leaves me with the question: Why hasn't anybody done this by now?
Right now I really want to make this a new little project - but I'd like to know first if there are still any issues that could come up.
And now, off to a slightly different topic:
If it was actually possible to make bearded NPCs this way without major drawbacks, then we would still have the problem that there are almost no beard resources out there. The only ones I know of are the beards "Nords with Beards" uses and Hel Borne's two beards (a Fu Manchu beard and a French goatee/mustache).
While Hel Borne's beards are simply outstanding, the ones Nords with Beards uses have clipping issues (some of them seem a couple of sizes too big for Oblivion's heads).
So I thought, maybe some modelers would feel encouraged by this thread.

Like I said, I have high hopes that this could actually work, which would mean a completely new Oblivion experience. And we only need a small number of different styles, as they all look different when worn by different races (though the Nords should probably have very unique beards no other race would have). It would be highly appreciated... since I'm playing FO3 more often, I realize how having no beards at all in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the greatest game in the history of the universe. big time.* It takes away so much of the atmosphere this game could have. And the current selection is simply too limited.
*) Wow, that's the most grammar-defying censorship I've ever seen! I just wanted to say that having no beards svcks! Oblivion is an "alright" game!