So do you think/want there to be a better selection of manliness in fallout 4?
There is a better selection. Haven't you seen the CC vid?
Personally though I prefer bushy eyebrows and a long handlebar mustache. In red preferably.
I recall there being quite the selection of beards in FO3. Like, at least 15-20 different styles with anything from a stubble to lavish mustaches and full blown caveman beards. I think you can rest assured that the selection will be even more comprehensive in FO4. With what I've seen from the character creation screen, it may even be a slider that lets you pick the exact length you want.
Why are these options not available for the ladiez?
I myself am hoping for a glorious pair of mutton chops.
Maybe they get a cup-size option instead.
If they only had a facial hair style named "Strictly Commercial" that matched the mustache and soul patch of the one and only Frank Zappa... at least in Fallout 3 since our character is always 19 I could make an excuse. For my Don Quixote characters I always went with the Dead Man's Hand beard, hopefully something like that (or even more chivalrous) is in. I doubt, though, that there will be a mutton-chops and mustache option that matches mine own, but who knows? Skyrim offered them both separately.
Pretty much every character I make has facial hair. One of the reasons I hated Oblivions facegen - making your skin tone look like you had some sort of ruggedness only turned your entire body purple in the process.
You see, this is where optimism has value. I like to always see the cup as being half full. Or is this not what you meant?
The cups I'm referring to I think you would always want to be full. Otherwise what would be the point?
You've obviously never experienced the disappointment of opening up a cup and finding it half full
Okay, time for a sharp exit before this gets out of hand lol!
Ok, what were we talking about? Oh yeah ... beards! Yeah ... FO4's got ya covered.
I thought Fallout 3 and most recently Skyrim were quite good for beards compared to past Bethesda games. I'll be sporting a beard in Fallout 4 as long as I have the option to shave it!
I really like how in the Witcher 3, Geralts beard actually grows over time and you have to go back to the barber to get it shaved or trimmed.
I didn't know this! That's petty damned cool! More dynamic hair would be cool for sure.
Good point. If I do start with a beard I would like to be able to shave it later, OR if I start clean shaved I may want to grow a beard later to show off my ruggedness. I hear Piper likes them rugged.
Sadly it stops at a very respectable length. It's not like you can be ZZTop by end game or anything.
would look cool with bullet holes and everything