So first of all, how many of you have maxed out the Werewolf Perks? I have, and uh...all I can say is that it not only remedied the issues with the old Beast Mode (you know...getting YOUR ASS KICKED BY LOW LEVEL BANDITS? As if you were a helpless little girl?), but it all but makes your character a Furry Angel of Death whenever you transform into a Werewolf (and that's just with Bestial Strength 4/4 and the increased Stamina and Health Perks...)
Second of all, has anyone truly tested the new (well I guess it's about a year old now...) Beast Mode by trying it in the most frustrating and easily avoided dungeons etc? I actually had a bit of a marathon in beast mode when I was munching on all of the dead people at Knifepoint Ridge when I was done with Boethiah's Calling, and proceeded to get attacked by vampires, more vampires, and then a freakin' Revered Dragon before I had turned back into my normal character. There were a few hairy moments, but by and large?
I pretty much wiped my ___ with those svckers...SERIOUSLY. It wasn't even halfway fair, except for fighting the dragon, who insisted on hovering over me and blasting me with everything but the kitchen sink, but I figured out how to just run away from that until it got frustrated enough to land, and then I got a good running running start and killed it with less than 5 attacks. That running power attack is not to be trifled with, people...(this was all either on Expert or Master, too)
I've been meaning to test the fully powered Werewolf at places like Liar's Retreat, but I either forget to do it or I get cold feet. Anyone else actually get through one of those places (where you can get surrounded by the most cheap/"cheatingest" and strongest enemies in the game, which just sorta svcks...) with the new Beast Mode?