We all like little animals like cats and dogs, maybe even snakes or rats!
I Would like to see a minigame in which you can tame beasts and animals that aren't of a humanoid nature, this goes from the variety of dragons down to insects and vermin (if we'll have any insects... we'll have spiders)
I want to be able to find myself a wild cat, or its little kittens, defeat it, bag it, take it home and tame it and then eventually make it go from wild into a house cat, that just lives in that specific house in that specific town, which you can either let just wonder around and feed itself off birds and such, or you can feed it and teach it not to bring dead rats and birds home to its nest
same deal with dogs and wolves, foxes, whatever.
i also want to be able to do the same but train the little kitty to fight by my side and not stay at home, or i want to be able to train it to guard the house from intruders (dangerous task that can get it killed, wouldn't want that poor little cat to do that but what about this dog here?)
And people have all sorts of fantasies about what kind of pet they want to have, i have never heard of a person that doesn't want to have a pet of some kind, be it a cat, a mouse, a dog, a snake, a bird, a horse, name it!
since i mentioned horses how about wild horses being tameable and then rideable?
then once you've reached the highest level of taming creatures then through some incredibly, ridicilusly hard way you should be able to tame and ride lower class dragons, and make them fight by your side or live at your house. or maybe thats wrong? are dragons intelligent creatures (like in world of warcraft?) sure no problem, how about raising a dragon if you find a hatchling or a egg? solves the issue, you might even be able to talk to it! or maybe some creatures just shouldn't be tameable like dragons and trolls... works fine by me, i'd just like to see a well designed minigame on this matter!
i could go on and on with ideas and ideas about this but lets discuss

Edit: this hasn't been in any of the elder scrolls games yet except for in mods.