[pre WIP]Beastmen for Skyrim

Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:56 pm

Hi there,

i'am looking around at the moment for Material that could be usefull to fix some kind of Beastmen Race together for Skyrim. Not as playable race but as NPCs to cut their heads off. You know, like the Warhammer Beastmen, because i think the Tundra Taiga Deepwoods setting would fit for such a thing.

I found enough stuff to do such thing for Oblivion like Demon Horns, Demon lower bodies with hooves(and some giant junk), beards, tails and so on. But Oblivion isn't populare enough in my point of view to pick up such a project, even it would be way, way less work for Oblivion. Also, it looks to "light" and national park green anyway.

So is there any interest in doing such a thing as a Beastmen Race NPC hostiles for Skyrim? I'am looking around for resources at the moment but except for the Demon Horns, just one pair, i don't have much yet. Anyone has something usefull for me? Or will the Monster Mod do it anyway with the next update so there would be no point?

Thought about nothing so special in the end. Useing the Horns and the lower body hoove legs as non-playable armor set for the NPCs and give them some draugr sounds. Maybee mix it up with parts from the Forsworn garb or maybee some Goat head helmet.

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Mark Churchman
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