But my question is what other items are easy to get in large quantaties and sell for a good profit?
Various food items. Not to mention .38 caliber ammo.... (provided you don't use any weapons that require it....) Just about anything you can sell in volume......
Yes, Plastic and Fertiliser (trade or salvage bags or free with Brahmin) manufactured through the Chemistry workbench gives you a good cash crop that you don't have to travel to all your settlements to pick up.
Other than that ammo you never use, for me this is .38 cal, .44 cal, .50 cal, 5.56mm and Missiles..... I also do this since it reminds me of the Metro games.
Excess ammo.
A lot of the silver and gold scrap pieces sell well, the pocket watches in particular.
If you are not a collector you can sell your magazines.
.38 calibre ammo is basically bottlecaps in another form. 1 to 1 ratio and everything.
If you want to start earning money, you can go a couple routes. All come with some sort of initial investment, but are worth it in the end.
1) Set up multiple industrial sized water filters in one of your towns with water access (Sanctuary, Warwick, The Slog, The Castle) and if you can get 5+ there, you'll regularly make 120+ Purified Water each day. Take this, trade it to a vendor for whatever you need instead of spending caps on it. Money will accumulate on its own.
2) Have multiple vendors set up across multiple towns. Clear out the workbenches every few days and you'll be pulling in money.
3) Get a steady source of Fertilizer and Plastic. Either shipments or finding it in the wild, or have towns with cows. Lots of cows. And give them feeding troughs. Cows, obviously, make more fertilizer. Make Jet in large quantities and trade it for the items you need and/or caps.
4) Do all of the above, and REALLY be raking in the dough.
(Having the Luck 1 perk to find more cash obviously helps. In the end though I found the Luck 2 perk of more ammo more useful than more bottlecaps. Ammo can always be turned into caps, and you have ammo when you need it. Caps are just caps. They are the least versatile form of exchange and currency in game.)
Drugs, purified water, crops. (If you don't want to venture out.)
- Drugs are more valuable then the raw materials you craft them from. So it's a good source of extra income. Jet in particular since it's possible to salvage plastic and fertilizer infinitely in any settlement.
- Purified water, obviously.
- Build plantations with lots of plants. Sell crops. They weigh close to nothing.
Ammo, junk, scrap. (If you don't mind venturing out.)
- Ammo is weightless. You're only going to use a few types of rounds normally. For example: .38 ammo becomes fairly useless pretty quick, and there's an inexhaustible amount of that stuff.
- Some junk is quite valuable with a good value/weigth ratio. And the Commonwealth is an infinite source. So if you don't need the raw materials, sell it.
- There's an inexhaustible amount weapons and armour which can be looted. If you're venturing out you'll overload quickly if you don't scrap that stuff, the raw materials you get from scrapping them weigh less then the original item. So if you don't intend on using an item, scrap it whenever you encounter an appropriate workbench anywhere in the Commonwealth.
Honestly? I don't find generating weight- or effort-efficient stuff to sell is much of an issue. It's quite easy to dry the Commonwealth of caps.
As above .............
And pre-War money - it's a waste to break down for cloth - better to sell it.
any cooked meat. I checked carla and she offered me 31 caps for uncooked meat and something like 35 caps for cooked. all this will also depend on your stats and perks.