- Dan -P.S.: Jerod, mine's longer. 
Slowly, awareness returned to him. Without opening his eyes, Dan could tell he was both lying on his back, and outdoors; he could feel grass and moist earth under his hands and sunlight on his face. When his eyes eventually did flutter open, he spent a moment staring at the sky, silently wondering where he was and how he'd gotten there. His apartments didn't have grass like this, and he couldn't hear cars or planes as one usually could where he lived. Perhaps, he thought, he was in the park, though heavens only knew why. After a couple of minutes, a voice broke his thought processes.
"Excuse me, are you all right?" it asked. To Dan, it sounded like a very old woman, a kind of growling, throaty quality to its sound. Sitting up, he turned toward the source of the voice, and promptly yelled in surprise and partial fear. Looking down upon him was a creature that resembled some form of furry, its white-furred face conveying concern, body garbed in a combination of leather armor and a rough brown shirt of some kind. When he yelled, it recoiled, ears flattening to the sides and hands coming up in alarm. As he got a handle on his breathing again, the creature, if that was the proper term, tilted its head and edged closer, large green eyes regarding him with worry. He had to be dreaming. Or hallucinating. There was no logical or scientific explanation for a giant cat asking him if he was okay, unless he'd just gone bat-[censored] crazy.
"Sir?" The creature asked, "You've been here for a while. Are you injured?"
"What are.. No, I'm fine, I think. Where am I?" His voice sounded froggy. He cleared his throat as the feline continued to look at him as though he was some strange alien, and he continued to do the same to her.
"You've been lying in the grass outside castle Chorrol for hours. I'd begun to worry if you were even alive.."
Chorrol? No. No way in the nine hells.. If this is Chorrol, then..Before he could stop himself, the words had come out of his mouth and he felt stupid. "You're a Khajiit, aren't you?"
The woman's eyes closed for a moment at hearing this and she shook, laughing silently. When they opened again, her lips curved into a smile.
"Yes, of course. Are you?" The humor was fairly obvious, even with the difficulty he was having reading emotion from her voice. He smiled back.
"Unfortunately, no," Dan replied, finally thinking to stand. He still couldn't recall a thing about what he'd been doing just before he'd woken up here. Perhaps it'd come to him later. For now, even if this was a dream, he was going to enjoy his present company. After all, this was probably the closest he'd ever get to meeting an intelligent alien race. That, and the simple fact that he absolutely loved cats of all sorts, Khajiit included. "I think I might be suffering a bit of amnesia, so.. bear with me.." he added, rubbing his head. Now that he'd stood it was starting to hurt.
The Khajiit seemed to understand, or at least was being empathetic. She came closer, and he realized that she wasn't quite as tall as she'd seemed at first when he was lying down: she couldn't have been more than five-foot-ten, maybe less. Suddenly, another thing hit him and he looked quickly back over to her.
White fur, wearing armor, relatively short.. The hair color's wrong, but.. No, even considering the situation it's impossible. But it couldn't hurt."Your name wouldn't happen to be 'Karstine,' would it?" He asked abruptly. The Khajiit gave him a puzzled look.
"I'm afraid not. My name is S'Rendra," She explained, "Why do you ask?"
"An.. old friend of mine, you could say. You remind me of her." He partly lied. Though the truth would have made him look insane. He smiled at the thought.
'Oh, she's just a character I created ages ago. I'm from another world where yours is just fiction, by the way. Just wanted to know if she actually existed here. Yup.' Oh, that'd just go over so well.."Can't say I know anyone by that name, sorry," S'Rendra apologized. Then, without warning, she looked up at the sky, then subsequently towards the main town area, and gasped gently,
"Oh, S'rendarr, I'm going to be late to the kitchen! Talasma will make boots of me!" She exclaimed, "I am glad you're unharmed, but I must run. Do excuse me."
With that final word, she darted off, leaving Dan blinking in surprise.
"Well, that was certainly not how I imagined that going.." he muttered, continuing into town, "May as well make the best of this before I wake up, probably in a straitjacket someplace.."
ooc: Pardon my inventing of a character on the spot, but I'm assuming that in reality, an innkeeper that sells food will need more than just themselves to prepare food and hand it out, as well as run the place. We'll probably never see her again.