Incredibly confused, you drop your controller and walk up to the system, pressing all it's buttons, trying to make something happen - but nothing works; the screen remains black, glowing in pulses every few seconds. As you search your system for something else to try, you find something you've never noticed before; a tiny hatch, hidden out of sight. You pull it open to reveal a strange little button, glowing slightly red and emitting a slight ticking sound. Thinking to just give it a go, you push it. The screen and button stop glowing. The ticking stops.
Suddenly, everything is gone.
You awake moments later, but not in your living room. You're lying on your back in a dusty courtyard, aching all over but otherwise unharmed. You sit up and see rows of two-story wooden shacks lining the street. The style of the buildings are extremely familiar...You glance up and see a stately cathedral, also familiar. You've been here before, it seems. The name of this place is on the tip of your tongue, you can almost remember...You stand up and turn around, and see the back of a large statue. An incredibly familiar statue. It dawns on you. You know where you are. But you have to check. You walk slowly, dreamlike, around the side of the statue, and peer up into the face of the Lucky Old Lady. You were right. You were there.
**The starting place has been changed to Chorrol, but I'm proud of my intro gosh darnit, so I'm leaving it in! xD**
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Skinny, not very much physical mass. Approximately 6 feet tall. Brownish red hair that goes down to the tops of his eyes. Deep blue eyes that change too a more silvery color in the dark. Somewhat pointy ears but nothing amazing. Regular nose, lips are somewhat thin and his eyes always squint outside unless it’s cloudy and not blowing too much wind or raining.
Items: Light clothing with no symbols (Like Adidas or anything) White flimsy shirt with black shorts. In his pockets there were a magnet that had a Celtic symbol on the top (I don’t plan on the Celtic symbol doing anything, its just for looks.), a lava rock from earth (I plan on something for this if it fits…), and a long piece of doweling with black hockey tape on one end and a nail in the same end(Yay, I can kill mudcrabs! Lol). He is also wearing a watch that broke when he fell from the sky onto the ground. In his right hand is the black version of the shirt he is wearing right now, he grabbed it as he fell.
Lifestyle on Earth: He played many video games that involved solving puzzles, made video games and programs which involved getting into technology (Maybe my character could get somehow involved with the dwenmer…) He loves adventure so he like to wander and climb mountains. He is a hopeless, I mean HOPELESS, romantic. He loves to get involved with people and try to help them but doesn’t like crowds or getting to involved with girls. (No He’s not gay…) (This is part of my characters background. It will be expanded upon in the RP because it has happened in my life and I feel it is important to my character) He likes to practice with swords and other various weapons but has low endurance. (Thus the Doweling above was in his makeshift sheath on his back.)
Governing Attributes: Intelligence because of the video games and programming and obsession with magic, willpower for his will to never give in due to his past (I know sounds cheesy and cliché but please trust me that it won’t be. This is also what happened in my life so It will be important and part of his background.) and agility because of his training with weapons.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Very obsessive gamer with oblivion PC version (But for this RP of course there are no mods, that would confuse the hell out of everyone.) He doesn’t know much of the lore but understands the basics, and he knows the landscape like the back, front, fingers, excreta of his hand. He is knowledgeable of magicka (Spell obsessed player

Personality: Okay some of the “Background” parts enter here. He was depressed for about three years and tried suicide many times. But he got over it and is now stern in his willing to live and find true love. As said before he is a hopeless romantic and very energetic but is troubled by claustrophobia. He believes in no gods but feels that the Deadric lords do exist (They actually prove they’re there, the gods don’t.) He is extremely logical and though he gets excited easily, can control his emotions and thinks everything through before doing them.
Background: You know what, refer to personality, my background shaped my personality so it did for him too. Oh by the way, is my reason for willpower cliché to you guys?
Misc: Nothing for here at the moment. 1.5 pages of character sheet WOOHOO… lol.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Keelee is short and curvy, pale skinned with blonde hair to her waist. Her face is heart shaped, with a ski sloped nose, very full lips and rounded features. Keelee's eyes are icy blue, small and almond shaped.
Items: Her clothes are all black; mens tripp pants with blue stitching and plenty of chains and straps, a Disturbed band t-shirt that she bought way too big, chunky combat boots with steel toes, leather wrist straps, mjolnir and pentacle medallions around her neck, spiked snake bite piercings, sunglasses, Gears of War chain wallet, her red and black mobile phone, car keys, a large knife hidden in a second inner pocket (because it's too big to be legal really), chap stick, a couple of hair ties, and her D&D dice bag. A sketch book that has seen better days is always in her hands and her hair and pockets usually have several different pencils, pens, markers, etc.
Lifestyle on Earth: On earth, Keelee was an artist. She spent most of her time designing characters and concept art for various stories and video games. She attended school for Game Art, which occupied a lot of her time as well. Of course gaming was always important.... being a student of Game art.... and a severe nerd. Speaking of which, her nights were usually spent with her usual group of friends playing Dungeons and Dragons. During the little amount of free time she had, she often would practice tai chi and kung fu, belly danced, and played the violin. She also liked to garden and spent a lot of time out doors, camping, hunting, etc. Keelee had two sources of income; she worked in the Denver Art museum as an assistant in the ancient art exhibits, and she owned an alchemy business with her best friend. Steel Rose made fragrance oils, herbal teas, natural soaps and sold fresh herbs. On the weekends, Keelee and her friends usually participated in larp's (Daggerhere, specifically.)
Governing Attributes: Intelligence,(games, schooling, and personal studies) Willpower,(being very independent, and stubborn helps) Personality,(people tend to follow her, and she can be very manipulative when she feels like it) and Endurance.(she is stubborn.... really stubborn, and spends a lot of time moving)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Can you have too much? Oblivion is the game she played every day since its release.
Personality: Let's just say Keelee is not exactly a people person. That is to say, she was voted most likely to blow up her school, and tended to hang out with the social outcasts as much as possible. She is not so much a trouble maker, as she is a trickster. She has a sick kind of sense of humor she feels she has to share with the world. Sarcastic and cold most of the time, you don't get to see much of her good side unless you spend a lot of time and effort into getting to know her. She has no tolerance for stupidity, selfishness, wastefulness, or self pity. She is very stubborn, outspoken, opinionated, passionate and independent. Most people are intimidated by her, which she finds kind of mysterious, as she doesn't see herself as a particularly imposing person. Keelee also has frequent and random bouts of nerdyness; she loves comics, D&D, video games, fantasy, Harry Potter and the like. So she will sometimes fangirl over things, terrifying passer-by and confusing most people. Her best friend has this same ailment, which is why they get along so well.
Background: She has lived her whole life in Colorado. Raised as a tomboy, around a biker community and living most of her life in and around the mountains. She had very few close friends in her life; one she married and one she considers her sister. As an advlt she became close to a group of people (most of them friends of her husband) and those are the people she devotes all of her time to. It is very hard for outsiders to get into her group of tight-knit friends. They classify themselves as a clan, and worked hard to live and work in the same area. Eventually Keelee managed to get a hold of several acres of land outside of Lakewood, Colorado, which had a rather large Victorian house in a grove of pines. The clan spent a summer building several other houses similar to the first. They made a center court yard around a huge pine with great roots that grew out of the ground. Being a family of gamers, they of course devoted a large room to games of all kinds. This is where the offending xbox 360 exists, which transports Keelee and her best friend to Tamriel.
Misc: J.Rowan is the best friend referred to here. We will be transported together, and will come up with something as a team as far as how we are transported and where we end up.

(This character is pretty much me, with a different name, and actually achieving some things I am working on now.)
Name: Dylan Thompson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium height, around 5'11" and very skinny at only 130 pounds. "Shaggy" long brown hair and brown eyes except the left eye is 1/3 green. Fairly pale skin and not largely and obviously muscular with very skinny arms, wrists, ect but deceptively strong. A long face and a straight, slightly crooked nose and always stubble covering from the ears, across the chin to the other side.
Items: A Blackberry cell phone. Championship hockey ring. Ring from girlfriend. Black t-shirt with this logo printed on the front. Navy blue wind pants with this logo on left thigh along with a white "7" just below it.
Lifestyle on Earth: Playing hockey in the winter and summer. Playing many different video games, preferring somewhat seclusion to hanging out with friends. Hanging out with girlfriend. he also use to play with toy weapons and "sparred" with his two friends alot in the back yard as well as with his brother. He now practices in his yard with a real gladius (sword).
Governing Attributes: Agility - Quickness from sports due to lack of size. Also from playing with weapons. Speed - Sports such as hockey and track. Willpower - Take contact sports and hard training without quitting/complaining.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Knows basic lore and a bit of the more advanced stuff but not to interested. Played rather considerable hours and knows more than the basics like spells and weapons as well as the cities and the general setting of the game.
Personality: Thankfully, Dylan played sports from a young age and was able to make friends there because without the social aspect of sports he would probably be a one-man wolf pack. He is to shy to approach people he doesn't know to strike up a conversation and needs to work up the courage to simply ask to borrow a pen in school. It is far worse when talking to girls (even his own girlfriend had to basically suggest they go on a date!) which may be due to slight paranoia about him thinking he looks "odd" and that whenever he hears somebody giggling he thinks he is the target of the laughter. However, if you approach him and initiate the conversation than he can be quite pleasant and easy to get along with even though it might take a few conversations to get more than "Yeah" and "oh, really?" out of him.
His sense of humor has been described as extremely sarcastic though he prefers to call it "witty" and "well- timed observations". He is usually quiet in big groups of people, giving a non-committal shrug whenever people ask him what the group should do and will rarely burst out with jokes or stories.
He is idealistic and pragmatic at the same time, most of the time preferring the "obvious" or pragmatic way to doing things because it is most efficient but is always open to new ideas. He is into all the "big" fantasy stuff like Oblivion, formally D&D, trading cards of all sorts and fantasy books but can also talk sports with his less "gamey" friends.
Background: Born in Calgary, Alberta but moved to Winnipeg in his early years, he grew up in the quiet suburbs of the small city next to a child his own age who soon became his best friend. Growing up, he played many sports and was fairly athletic but was playing video games as young as 3 years old on his Grandma's old SNES. through sports he gained many friends who he would remain friends with up and through high school, which was fortunate due to lack of social skills.
He lived a quiet life through his years at school, as he didn't go out as much as most people even though he was asked and preferred to remain indoors.
Misc: I unno?
J. Rowan:
Name: J. Rowan (Row)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Row is about medium height, around 5 and a half feet tall with curly auburn hair that hangs to about mid-back. She has a round face and a big, dimpled smile that is often prominently displayed. Large, almond shaped gray eyes and a spray of noticeable freckles across her nose and over her left brow. She's curvy, bordering on being a little chubby but she carries it well.
Items: Row tends to wear clothes that are opposite her best friend. Where Keelee is often seen in dark, intimidating colors, Row wears form fitting, sturdy, brightly colored garb. Comfortable, worn jeans that hang low on her hips and long t-shirts in bright colors. Generally with a fair amount of glitter or rhinestones present. She carries around a well-worn messenger bag, usually with snacks of some kind, pencils, notebooks (a tazer that only works about half the time) Jane Austen novels, wallet, keys, cellphone, mp3 player, and a small painters kit. (Watercolor).
Lifestyle on Earth: On Earth Row was a writer, she devoted a great deal of her time and energy to writing epic fantasy novels, sonnets and poetry (she had some small renown for it where she lived, a little bit country wide and across the Pond in Europe, but she was relatively content to live in obscurity). She spent a lot of her time playing sports outside of her writing and working on her business with her best friend (and teaching obnoxious High School students the proper use of the comma). In her free time, outside of teaching and focusing on the alchemy business Row spent a great deal of time with her friends and family; she was single. Having determined that her multitude of failed relationships was the Goddess way of letting her know she needed to give it a break and maybe focus on her inner self. She spent a great deal of time practicing tai chi (badly) belly dancing (with marginally better success), violin (she taught Keelee) as well as playing the piano. On weekends, when Keelee insisted on LARPing, Row was usually to be found underneath a tree, coated in 75SPF sunblock (she was a redhead, she burned easily) laughing at people getting batted around with foam covered sticks.
Governing Attributes: High Will and Intelligence (Teacher, all around nerd), Good Endurance (physically active and athletic) Personality (affable, people person)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: I don't have as much as Keelee, but I haven't played the game as obsessively as Keelee, and am rather more like a sponge. (I lurk in her brain and go 'ooooh this is nice').
Personality: Row is a remarkably outgoing, exuberant person. With a zesty love for life that tends to grate on a lot of people's nerves. She's always smiling or laughing or making terribly lame jokes and generally just being happy. It's a fairly good front, it takes less energy scaring people off with being too happy, around her friends and people she trusts she has a biting sense of humour and a cutting sort of wit that has on more than one occasion caused her best friend to bend over in hysterical laughter. (It always seems to come as a surprise to people when Row is nasty). She's nerdy and ironic and prone to foul language when she isn't censoring herself for her students. (And only just barely even then). She was the girl in school most often picked on because in spite of her outgoing nature she spent a great deal of time as something of a doormat. (Keelee has long since rectified this, which normally she gloats about at the grocery store when Row is saying something nasty about Mrs. So and So from across the street in downtown, because the woman doesn't understand that spandex is clearly a privilege not afforded to women over 300 pounds with back hair that would put the missing link to shame). She is charming, clever, passionate, deeply intellectual and a daydreamer. The perfect foil to Keelee's more angry, cutting edge nature. Generally when given the choice between dealing with the two of them people find it easier to approach Row due to her more outwardly affable nature and easy-going smile.
Background: She was born in California; her family moved a lot and in the midst of the moving she met her first boyfriend, a young man who later took his life (and shaping Row's own in a vastly complicated way that, she might later be grateful for). When her family moved to Colorado she was just turning fourteen and met Keelee. Who she promptly bonded with in Journalism over Harry Potter. No one was entirely sure how their relationship worked because the two were quite literally polar opposites, but the old idiom was surely accurate in that opposites attract. They spent the next decade virtually living in one another's pockets.
After Keelee obtained land outside of Lakewood, Row moved in promptly; she'd spent a few years in college traveling abroad and recovering from the shock of a second boyfriend's death and determined eventually that her friends and family were more important than finding herself in some nameless pub in Ireland.
Misc: Keelee Hamomin is the best friend referred to here. We will be transported together, and will come up with something as a team as far as how we are transported and where we end up.

(This character is pretty much me, with a different name, and actually achieving some things I am working on now.)
Name: Scott Cavanaugh
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Caucasian, Messy shoulder-length dark brown hair , brown eyes, reasonably skinny frame, weighs about 190 pounds, is 6’4”, there is a small tuft of stubble on his chin.
Items: Black long-sleeved shirt, slightly baggy jeans, socks, wallet, some spare change.
Lifestyle on Earth: Problem-solver by nature, avid player of video games, and reasonable amounts of acting experience in Machinima and even a few paid live-action roles. Also an aspiring writer.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence (Problem-solving, Critical thinking, Observational skills), Agility (Coordination, Reflexes, Precision), Personality (Quick wit, Commanding voice, Acting experience)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Scott is something of a lore buff. Only having played Morrowind and Oblivion, but read a great deal about the other two games, as well as the novel.
Personality: Scott is quiet most of the time, but can strike up a conversation when he needs to without seeming terribly forced. Outwardly, he is friendly with a good sense of humor, but those who know him particularly well know that behind the internet memes and Caruso one-liners is a considerable mind with an aptitude for philosophy and logic. He often appears indecisive sometimes due to his tendency to over-think a situation. Being a firm supporter of free-speech, he has no problem with swearing; though he will tone it down if the situation calls for it.
He works best alone, and does not seem to need much social interaction at all to remain happy. If necessary, however, he can usually figure out his place within a group and work towards the betterment of everyone.
Background: Born and raised for almost half his life in Winnipeg, Scott grew up accustomed to city life before he moved to the Yukon and got a greater feel for the outdoors. He started out strong in school, but like most things in his life, he soon lost interest in it, and by high school he had barely graduated by the skin of his teeth. His parents were too financially unstable to prepare a college fund for him, and without a car or a credit card he knew his chances at a bank loan were incredibly slim in the present economic crisis. Therefore, he now tries to find a job to pay his way through university, perhaps to become a writer or an actor of some kind.
Misc: Scott is a red belt in Shotokan Karate (i.e. not that experienced but enough for a small bonus in Hand-to-hand). Also, because he was born in May, the anologue in Oblivion is the month of Second Seed, which means that his birthsign is the Shadow. And that’s awesome.
Queen of Giant Rats:
Name: Natalie Payne
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Fair skinned with wild auburn hair. She has quite long limbs and is about 5”6 but skinny (about 55-60 kilograms). Her eyes are grey with a band of brown just outside the pupils. Her face is quite gaunt and she has shadows under her eyes.
Items: An iPod touch and a lighter
Clothes: Grey washed out skinny jeans, a dark blue T-shirt and blue Converse high-tops. She has a red-tailed hawk feather on a gold clasp for an earring in her right ear.
Lifestyle on Earth: She was in her school archery team (I know modern bows are nothing like medieval bows, but it would still give her some bonus with marksman) and does hurdles, but apart from that she didn’t really play any sports and is more of an academic person. Normally she reads or plays video games. She plays the violin.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence (school/music), agility and speed (for the hurdling/archery)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: She knows about as much as a person that has played it a lot, but isn’t a lore buff.
Personality: Often her mood swings quite violently and she is very hot tempered. You could say she’s a loner, not in the ‘I won’t talk to you’ way, but in the ‘I won’t trust you, or say anything nice to you unless in really exceptional circumstances’ way. On the plus side she speaks her mind, but doesn’t know when to shut up. If she thinks something is wrong, you will hear about it. After years of practice her walking is pretty much silent, and she does her best to freak people out, either by walking up behind them, and tapping them on the shoulder, or by starring at them. Her eyes add to the freakiness of the staring. She has some sort of obsession with fire, and always carries a lighter.
Background: She was born and grew up in Wiltshire, but one of her parents was from Israel and the other from Manchester. Her upbringing was fairly normal. After going to a state primary school, her older sister managed to gain a large scholarship to a private secondary school, which she also is now attending. However, despite her sister being popular, she gets [censored] form the ‘cool girls’ for having a Northern accent, being a bookworm and not liking mainstream music. They tried to chuck curry powder in her face, but only hit other members of her class, making them decide that they prefer Natalie.
Misc: If we’re doing Birthsigns, according to Krimsin’s thing she’s born under the Lover.
Uglius MaximusII:
Name: Craig Close
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: While not being the fittest fish in the ocean, he's definitely not fat. I am the one with the hat on. His skin is also relatively pale, tanning in only the usual places - Such as the forearms and the nose. His hair is long, brown and naturally straight, coming down to his shoulders, it's well kept and is certainly clean however; it's usually hidden underneath a hat of some sort.
Items: Baggy jeans that are worn loose and usually past the waste, a black short sleeved t-shirt, a thick, white coloured "Hoody", a black and grey striped hat and black, smart leather shoes. He brought his ipod, phone, wallet and a bus ticket.
Lifestyle on Earth: Craig loves the outdoors, he has a saying - All you need in life, is the sun, a destination to walk to, and plenty of trance to keep you company. And it basically sums up his current lifestyle, he's not into going to the gym, or doing homework, and hasn't owned a TV for several years.
He's a bit of a geek when it comes to things IT, he's currently at College studying a course in computer programming, computer architecture and generally things IT. However, when it comes to programming languages, his mind tends to go blank. Video games take up most of his free time, whether he's shootin' up some mexicans with his online friends or saving the galaxy in a star wars game - He finds them all very addicting. On the topic of weaknesses, Craig has a weakness for pretty girls, but he's not stranger to them either and will talk to them just like anyone else, only, with butterflies in his stomach.
Governing Attributes: Endurance, willpower, personality and agility. (Worst class ever...)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Having played Oblivion and Morrowind to death, RPed both games for 2 to 3 years(?) and talked about the two games for just as long, Craig has picked up quite a few things, but he's by no means an expert.
Personality: Do I have to put something in here? I'm not overly comfortable with it and I'd prefer it if you all found out - Afterall, i'm hardly going to forget who I am. :S
Background: Very protective of his past Craig suffered a rough child hood, which, if lucky, you'll find out. Craig has effectively raised himself - His teenage years went by relatively smoothly, he would like to think he went through puberty easier than most did. And now he simply resides in a small village, going to a nice college and meeting nice people.
Misc: He loves sarcasm.
Name: Eve Nightingale
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Considered pretty by few, but ugly by none, Eve is a very plain person, with only a few exceptions. She is kind of short, at 5’5, with a curvy, very muscular body that she has a sort of love-hate relationship with; her legs especially are very toned and she never has problems filling things out, but finding jeans she can fit past her solid calf and thigh muscles is always a painful ordeal. She has very pale skin covered all-over with the freckles she gets instead of a tan, as well as three small moles on her clavicle that she is very fond of, for some reason. Her round face is very plain – her rather large nose that would have pushed her into the range of ugly is offset by her beautiful eyes, a greenish blue color surrounded by thick, black, long eyelashes; the combined effect of the ugly and the beautiful is simply boring. The only thing Eve truly loves about her appearance is her hair, perhaps because it is the most unique thing about her. It is shiny and soft and falls almost to her waist, and is a color she can’t even name – sort of a dark blonde, with all sorts of gold and light blonde and red highlights all in it; it’s been described as Golden Blonde, Dirty Blonde, Dark Blonde, Ash Blonde…all she knows is that she loves it.
Items: Having just woken up, Eve is in her pjs. She has on bright blue and white Nike running shorts and a loose Mickey Mouse t-shirt. She’s wearing a silver Mickey Mouse necklace with her birthstone – a pink tourmaline – in the center that she never takes off, as well as silver stud earrings she neglected to remove the night before. She also has her iPhone and earbuds.
Lifestyle on Earth: Eve was a very unique person on Earth. She’s obsessed with all sorts of video games – from Oblivion to Sims to Guitar Hero – and makes no secret of it. An incredible student too, expecting no less than an A on any assignment, and a hard-core band-geek, having played the flute since the sixth grade, Eve is renowned as a nerd, but a cool nerd. In addition to the flute, she’s also played the piano since she was 6 years old and recently took up the guitar, so music is a huge part of her life, her favorites to listen to being anything of the Alternative-Punk genre. She enjoys weight-lifting, soccer, tennis, and taking walks at night. Also renowned for being a Disney-addict, a bookworm, and the girl always found in the company of her best friend Bethany, Eve is perfectly content with being different.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence, from the good grades, Strength, from all the physical activity and her natural body shape, and Personality, from being pretty well liked despite her obvious geekiness.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: She loves the game but doesn’t know too much about the lore, just the basics.
Personality: Eve would describe herself as a “decent person”, nothing more. She tries hard in school and is rewarded for it, although she never brags about her grades. She isn’t lazy, but she likes to waste away her evenings on Skype with her friends or in front of the computer, although she hates television. She’s a very talented writer and hopes to write novels one day, although she realizes that realistically it’s not going to happen. She doesn’t like to start arguments but can and will hold her own if attacked.
Background: Eve lives a very sheltered life. She lives in an extremely nice neighborhood, goes to one of the top public high schools in the country, and has never been in real danger in her life. Although her life recently has gone very smoothly, her middle school life was fraught with grief – in sixth grade, the death of a long-time friend, then awful boy problems for the next two years, coupled with being attacked for being an atheist throughout eighth grade.
Misc: None, at the mo’.
Name: Florian
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Lover, according to Krimsin’s post
Appearance: He has pale skin, short dark blonde hair and very standing off ears. His limbs are rather thin and he has a oval face with a normal-sized nose and small green eyes covered by glasses with a shiny grey frame. He is about 1.60 meters tall. His face—particularly his staring eyes and slightly rounded mouth with his braces—looks pretty unfriendly and scary, except when he’s really happy.
Items: He’s wearing a blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a grey, unreadable graffiti on it, black socks, but no shoes, and his glasses.
In his pocket there’s an mp3 player with broken headphones and in his left hand he’s holding a pack of potato chips.
Lifestyle on Earth: He’s the best student in his class—the only things he really svcks in are sports and art—and spents almost all of his free-time in front of the computer. He doesn’t do any sports which is why he svcks at it in school. He rather jumps around by just pressing a button with one and eating chips with the other hand.
Governing Attributes: intelligence (school and all), willpower (if he wants to do something, he does it as soon as possible, even if it’s two o’clock in the morning), luck (speaks for itself, I guess)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: He knows most basic lore and a few other things, too.
Personality: He’s a nice and open-minded person, but very shy, so if you want to befriend him, you have to take the initiative. But if something doesn’t work like he imagined it, he gets angry very fast; and when he’s happy, he also pisses some people of by telling a bad joke about everything they say or holding a thirty-minute lecture about how stupid a particular law or politian is (yes, complaining about stuff makes him happy

Background: Florian grew up in a normal German family, his dad being a maths lecturer at an university and his mom a nurse. When he was getting older, he became more and more curious about everything he saw, but his dad always explained him everything he wanted to know, while his mom treated him more like little child—he was a little child of course, but it bugged him anyway.
When he was four, he got a little sister and his parents divorced soon after that. For whatever reason, he decided to go with his mom and see his dad just every two weeks, but when he sees him, it’s just him and his dad—except it’s some holiday on which there are presents, because then his sister comes, too. He didn’t find many friends in the new kindergarten because of his shiness, this only changed when school began. He was still shy as hell, but for some reason everyone suddenly began to like him and that hasn’t changed yet—well, if you ignore the people that are pissed off by his stupid jokes.
Name: Conway Denlleigh
Age: 23
Gender: male
Appearance: Very tall (6'4"), broad, and muscular. A slightly longer face, with wide cheek bones, wide jaw and perfectly straight nose. Conway's eyes are hazel (green when feeling ornery, and bright when angry) and perfectly almond shaped. His hair is long, black a curly, usually kept up with a hair tie. He also has a slight mustache and goat-t.
Items: Long, black carpenter jeans (seen better days), a black graphic tee with a grim reaper on the front and back, a larger than necessary knife on his belt, sunglasses on his head, and large, black trench coat, big steel toed boots, chain wallet, lighter, name-tag from work, chap stick
Lifestyle on Earth: A lot of time spent out doors, hunting, camping, doing hard labor. He spends a lot of time, playing games of course, playing D&D with friends. He was trained with most ancient and modern day weapons by a militaristic father, and so spars, hunts, and participates in shooting events for fun. He is very creative and likes to come up with stories and characters for the hell of it.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence, Endurance, Strength Willpower and Personality.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Spent a lot of time playing the game, but relies on Keelee for anything lore related.
Personality: The most social of the group most people would agree, Conway is very friendly and can get people to follow him very easily. His friendliness can sometimes be mistaken for flirtatiousness, but most of his friends have learned to tell the difference. His ideals are very strong and he can come off a little strong to people who aren't prepared for him. He can be seen as zealous, he is incredibly opinionated and bluntly honest. This gets him in trouble more often than not, but gifted with a gilded tongue, he can talk himself out of any situation he gets himself into. One thing he is very proud of (even thought he is just very proud in general) is that he is descended from crusaders and knights and he tries to emulate that mentality in his everyday life. Which, understandably, can throw some people off. But who cares about those people? He is fiercely loyal, proud, intelligent, stubborn and exudes a severe alpha male aura. He likes to carry himself like an old knight or modern-day gunslinger, a lone-ranger mentality that has caused him to be the self proclaimed protector of the group.
Background: Conway and Keelee were raised together in Colorado. His life was far less sheltered than Keelee's, but that just further strengthened his knight-in-shining-armor ideals. For a lot of his childhood he made many friends, but most of them parted ways as they grew older. Conway eventually became very close with a group of people who dubbed themselves the clan. He spent a few years in school, but eventually settled into the role of Forest Ranger. His love of the Rockies and the outdoors in general won out over his other interests in school and so he joined the Division of Wildlife. After Keelee and Conway married, they moved to the plot of land outside of Lakewood and they built up their compound for the clan. They spent the whole summer with their friends, accomplishing little else but a very good time.
Misc: Will be transported with Keelee and Row.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average stature, approximately 6' even and 175 lbs. He does not appear to be overweight and has relatively broad shoulders, though he is not particularly muscular. Has fairly tan skin, dark brown eyes, and long, wavy, frizzy, brown hair that reaches well past his shoulders. His face is somewhat long in shape, his jaw is relatively squared, he has high cheekbones, and his nose is a bit large. His forehead is riddled with acne, and there is also some on his cheeks and shoulders. The acne on his face and forehead is mostly hidden when his hair is down, though.
Items: black slayer T-Shirt, blue denim jacket with cut-off sleeves, blue jeans, Phillips GoGear Vibe MP3 player, cell phone, wide-tooth comb, pencil, hair tie, black DC skate shoes, eye glasses with transition lenses, and $4 USD.
Lifestyle on Earth: Sam's existence on earth consists primarily of going to school, reading books, listening to music, and playing video games. He isn't exceedingly physically active, though he does take 45 minute brisk walks on a daily basis and does push-ups and sit-ups at least three times a week. He took karate classes for four years and knows basic hand-to-hand combat as a result. He is quite intelligent and gets good grades in school, but he knows that he could do much better if he actually fully utilized his intelligence.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: He knows quite a bit about the game, dumping well over a thousand hours into it thus far.
Personality: Sam is rather introverted and is generally rather withdrawn if conversing with someone for the first time. Once he gets comfortable around someone, though, he acts like a sarcastic ass hole most of the time. He also likes to hold intelligent conversations, though, and he isn't afraid to call people out if he thinks they are wrong.
Background: He was born in a small town in Pennsylvania, and has lived there his entire life. He grew up playing video games, and he continues to play them today. When he was younger, he played them all day to compensate for his lack of friends and the fact that he was being bullied in school. In high school, however, the bullying stopped, and he was able to make a few friends. He still is rather introverted however, just not quite as shy. He also developed a love for heavy metal music in high school. He is now learning to play the drums so that he may one day be in a heavy metal band (he actually can already play the drums quite competently). He still plays video games, just not nearly as much as he used to.
Misc: Yep, this is pretty much me with a different last name.
Jerod Kayne:
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Not exactly fat, but not skinny either. Somewhere in between. He doesn't get out that much, so he's relatively pale and tans very easily. On his left hand is a faint Y-shaped scar from a time where he burned himself wondering what would happen if you mixed butter with hot oil. Alex also has long brown hair that reaches down to his back, it's cared for, but unfortunately being born with a severe case of dermatitis makes his scalp kind of flaky.
Items: Always has a pair of large base headphones and his mp3 player wherever he goes, Alex absolutely adores music. His pockets are usually empty, save for dust and lint. He is currently wearing a black shirt with a stick figure playing a video game inside of an orange box with text saying ''Not now; I'm busy'' and a pair of loose camo pants. Alexander rarely wears shoes and prefer walking barefoot depending on where he's going.
Lifestyle on Earth: A true gamer at heart, Alex spends 80% of his time playing video games or oogling on the internet, mainly roleplaying or foruming. He plays an array of video games, mainly violent action war games based of sci-fi or fantasy. His top favorites are easily Gears of war, Team Fortress 2 (He even uses catchphrases from TF2 daily), Elder Scrolls, Starcraft, Stronghold Crusader and Mass Effect.
Alex's taste in music is large in whole, however he dislikes music genres like Hip-hop and rap seeing as they are just the same thing each song and extremely distasteful. He prefers good ol' fashion rock n' roll, heavy metal, techno and game soundtracks. The lad has too many favorite bands to even begin to list them. Other then that, Alex isn't exactly social material and is constantly reminded by his family of what the outside world looks like.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence, mainly due to his repository of knowledge for video games and researching random things on his own. Personality, since he is a rather playful and cheerful fellow amongst family and friends. Endurance, for Alex's high threshold for pain. He still feels pain, but he is strong enough to merely brush it off and ignore it. Agility, for his moderately quick reflexes. He flinches a lot, but aside from that he can dodge things pretty well.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: Introduced to the game by his siblings, Alex quickly developed a passion for Argonians and so far, every character he has used has been a person of the root. His siblings grow tired of it, however Alex has tried a few times before to use a different race. But in the end, he always went back to his favorite race of lizard people. He played Oblivion on the Xbox 360 (That he owned) until he bought a new computer which was powerful enough to run the game.
Playing in a windowed mode, as it made the game run smoother and Alex was able to up the graphics to max without any problems, he dived headfirst into many of the mods available to him at the time, including texture packs, sound & music packs, and even a project that aimed to make Argonians for reptilian like.
His play style was simple; wreak as much havoc as possibly without hindering any of the quests in the game. And having a spell-mod that made NPC's (and even himself) forcibly dance made the experience more enjoyable.
Personality: Generally upbeat and cheerful. It is obvious that Alex is a complete geek and sci-fi nut, however he tries not to act like one while embracing who he is. He has a large knowledge of pretty much every game he's played (save for a select few, including oblivion) and every sci-fi movie/series he's ever watched and liked, mostly including Stargate.
Like mentioned before, Alex likes using catchphrases from various video games and puts them into his daily dialog, mostly quotes from Team Fortress 2 however.
Background: Born and raised briefly in Michigan, Alex had spent most of his childhood life traveling state to state in search for a viable long-term home. He lived in the lower peninsula for several years, before moving to new Mexico for several more, them before finally settling back in Michigan. All throughout his childhood, Alex would always observe his father playing video games like Quake, Half-life or games of the same genre day in and day out. There were times where his father would let him stay home from school just so he could watch his parent play video games.
However the good times ended soon as Alex's father had fallen victim to an enlarged heart syndrome and it had eventually taken his life. Ever since, Alexander had followed his father footsteps into the world of gaming and would later become hooked for the remainder of his life. Over the years, after playing the old style games his father had played, the teenage lad decided to branch out and try out newer games, which eventually lead into the gamer-guy he is today.
-Is a sci-fi nut.
-Hates mushrooms with a smoldering passion.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 26th of Last Seed (August), 1990 AD
Birthsign: The Warrior, ironically.
Location of Origin: California, United States
Appearance: Fairly average in body, Dan stands at 5' 11" and 156 pounds with a short, scruffy chin beard, wispy mustache, medium length brown hair and similar eyes. Though tall, he is of no notable strength. His right hand and lower arm are covered in a remarkable number of small, light scars, mostly from abuse at the paws of his cat. Has been told he has unusually long legs and fingers.
Items: As per usual, Dan is garbed in comfortable gray jeans, well worn black boots (the only footwear he owns), a black duster that's fading to gray with age and, currently, a tee shirt with an orange colored Grim Reaper design on the front. About his neck is a necklace of black beads formed of some natural material and a small shark's tooth fasted to the string with wire. His pockets hold a wallet containing his driver's license, debit card and various membership cards to game stores and coffee shops, as well as a five dollar bill, a wad of assorted keys, a pack of small cigars and a purple lighter.
Lifestyle on Earth: Not exactly an 'outdoorsy' person, though an avid admirer of nature, Dan spent a lot of time wandering the wilds of various RPG games before the switch. Days consisted of, generally, a few hours of job hunting a day, followed by an afternoon of gaming, chatting via Facebook or MSN and forum browsing. When they were around, he spent a great amount of time with a handful of close friends.
Governing Attributes: Intelligence, although he often chooses to apply it in less than useful ways; Personality, since despite being confusing to many, seems to be liked by those of a likeminded perspective.
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: No super lore buff, but knows enough about TES to create rather obsessively detailed characters.
Personality: Erm.. I'm not sure how I'd describe that. Maybe best to just RP it? After all, if I can remember 14 some odd characters' personalities, I can manage my own, right? =P
Misc: Nothing currently.
grote boze wolf
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Skinny, not very much physical mass. 1,8 meters tall. Brown short hair (4 cm long), green/blueish eyes. Frackles on his face. Regular nose/lips/eyebrow ratio. Wears glasses.
Items: Summer cloth’s. Blue jeans polyester (means it doenst isolate at all). The jeans hoses can be stripped into “3” kinds of jeans. Long/middle/short.
A Blue/White stripe T-shirt.
Shoes (here is the funny part). Black workers shoes (steel nose + steel plate underneath) like they use at construction sites.
Items in his pocket: mobile phone, keys on a small chain and above all wallet with 10 euro’s (yes I am from Europe), 3 coins, 1 paper.
Lifestyle on Earth: He played many video games, mostly real time strategy (Men of War), strategic shooters (all rainbow series) and oblivion.
Is on a Archery club shooting 29 pounds recurve (with crosshair).
School: Chemistry course.
Home stuff: Knows how to engineer a couple of things, made my own iron fence (with help of my neighbour tools ^^), know how to fix every part of an bicycle.
Tried to make a double layer chainmail armor but epicly failed (still how to make a single sheet of chainmail)
Prior Oblivion Knowledge: medium player oblivion, played some oblivion mods besides the oblivion and the expansion.
Personality: Very open to all kinds of people, is open for suggestions. Is very reasoning and try to give simple solutions to some complex problems.
Background: You know what, refer to personality, my background shaped my personality so it did for him too.
Name: Martin M
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: About 5' 10", very broad, and barrel chested. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and some facial hair starting to grow in.
Items: Brown shorts with a green t-shirt with a peace-sign on it. Brown sketcher shoes, and ankle-high socks. A Citizen Eco-Drive watch, and a cellphone.
Lifestyle on Earth: Martin loves videogames, specifically RPGs, but he also enjoys mountain biking and basketball. He lives in a small house in a small town, and enjoys the simple things in life, not really caring what people think of him, and doesn't judge people before getting to know them.
Personality: Very ambitious and outgoing. Martin is friendly and kind, but is also rather stubborn and is not afraid to rip you a new one if you get on his bad side.
Background: Martin grew up in a small town in western Pennsylvania. His family is rather poor, but that doesn't stop Martin from doing odd jobs and saving up money. Martin has two older brothers, one who's 25 and lives in Pittsburgh, and one who's 18 and still lives with Martin and his mom. When Martin was ten his mom get severe rheumatoid arthritis, and isn't able to do much things. He goes to a small school where everyone treats eachother like family. Martin is well liked and is in student council and on the honor roll. At the end of the summer he will be beginning his sophomore year.