HEY GUYS:are we really that suprised with all these bugs/glitches and generally not up to scratch games on pc,cast your mind back to the release of bfbc2..remember the crap we put up with that game.IE.. crash to desktop,white and blue screen of death,btw my bfbc2 still kicks me out of the game periodicly its a bloody joke but we persist cos we are gamers...nothing wrong with that.then we have to go looking for fixes and tweaks and the like,apparently if i want these games to WORK ..you listening EA, TREYARCH,CRYTECH WE HAVE TO CHANGE FILES, PROTOCOLS,SETTINGS etc..etc..etc change my aftershave lotion put my lucky red jocks on pat my dog 5 times whilst jumping through a big hoop that my partner has to hold up for me with a forward twist..geez im exhausted.like i said there are some really BIG underlying issues and that is worrying the heck outta me.