Poor little doves.
When something works well for at least 99% of its users, it's not broken. There could be many reasons for it not to work well on your computer, and it's the computer's fault, and quite likely an incompatibility issue with something.
Just search for the ways other people solved their similar problems instead of whining and blaming developers. Hell, their game has less of those issues than most others, but it's quite impossible to make a game that works perfectly on every single computer ever.
By the way, just saw a thread with good ways to fix some problems like yours, this morning or yesterday night. You should check them out.
Years ago companies made products that worked right out of the box. Today its rush, rush, and rush to market to appease the greedy investor. Quality, by today's standard is a dirty word. For example, I have 6GB of SLI RAM on my system but it will only see and use 4GB. Motherboard manufactures build motherboards to fit 8 or 16 GB of RAM, but software companies such as Microsoft won't allow you to utilize it. Still the computer industry will promote and encourage you to fill up you system with all this crap that can't be used. It's all about the [censored] friggin money, for the CEO's/CFO's and the investors. If my system could utilize my 6GB of RAM I probably wouldn't have the problems that I do have with Skyrim. Incidentally, I have well over 110 mods installed in DA:O and it still runs like a top. Go figure, huh?!?