now that we enjoy the hell out of the settlement building system we need moar!!!
now that we enjoy the hell out of the settlement building system we need moar!!!
That would be a bit much I think. You're supposed to be building stuff out of salvaged scrap. I doubt Home Depot survived the war with all it's stock intact waiting 200 years just for you to come along and build houses like the nuclear armageddon never happened.
It's all from the chic apocalyptic style fashion handbook. LOL
Seriously though, I like having the settlement building feature, but the game is still themed around surviving a post apocalypse wasteland, not city building. If you want to turn it into part city builder, there are many player made mods you can do that with, rather than implying they screwed up not offering high fashion architecture.
I have to wonder if the reason many are claiming to be having too much trouble with settlements being constantly attacked with enemies spawning inside them, and settlers and crops getting wiped out constantly, is due to them spending far too much time building and hanging around them.
I take a minimalist approach, only keeping them out of the red. I have only a few out of 23 that are ever around 50% Happiness. Most range from 60-80-%, and most when I visit them have no combat going on. The ones that do don't get devastated either, even if I visit after a defend prompt has failed.
Only twice have I seen crops needing repair. One was the Castle, the other Hangman's Alley, and I'm not even sure it was enemies that did it, since the water purifier and pumps were down. And I've played at least 150 hrs and am at level 50 so far, so I'm a good ways into the game. Vertibirds are often flying around engaging in combat, so there IS hostility lots of places, just not too much at my settlements.
I'd add roofs that don't leak.
If I can build a generator, water purifier or turret, I should be able to build a roof that doesn't leak. I should not have water droplets on my power armor helmet lenses when I'm indoors.
Why can't we build those beds?
Covenant is bugged for me and others because I went against them
I'll be making it into a hospital/Medical center
I'm not 100% sure but I think the fix for that is to build floor on top of your roof.
Hope that helps.
There's a pristine rug in one of the settlements. Right in the room with pristine beds that you also can't make or store in the workshop.
Also, not 100% sure but I think if you build floor over your roof it will stop the leaks.
I hear what you're saying.
Not everyone cares about the same stuff, but what about the damn shrubs? Doesn't it annoy you that you can't pull a 200 year old dead shrub out of the ground so it doesn't stick out through your floor? Don't you hate bodies that never disappear and even come back after you drag them off the settlement limits?
I personally don't go to defend settlements unless I'm within about a two sprint distance of them. Even if you "fail to defend" the settlement, the settlers don't. Even if a lot of stuff gets damaged in the attack, if they are still there and in control of the settlement, they defended it. They never really fail to defend. It's you who fail to show up and help them. That's how I look at it.
Both of those used to bother me, but then I realized, if I spent too much time obsessing over making my settlements look pristine, I'd probably lose some of that apocalypse immersion. I've yet to find a place I can't build a structure that shows very minimal if any shrubs coming through, and the places that have dead bodies staying usually have plenty of houses (or places to build shacks) without them.
I tend to place only sleeping bags and go minimal with my settlements, just keeping them out of the red. While that may not look great to some, gameplay wise it's a formula that has worked. I spend minimal time maintaining, and there's not excessive chaos at my settlements.
The game definitely has tons of design quirks and bugs, but I try to turn the negatives into positives. Like last night I was trying to escort a BoS Scribe on a Research Quest, only to find he kept spawning above ground when fast traveling with me, and dying on impact when he hit ground.
Since it was at night and there was a good ways to travel on foot past some potentially hostile conflict areas, I worried it would be hard keeping him alive. I proceeded to escort him the slow tedious way. I had to quicksave a lot and reload them a few times after he died, but we engaged in lots of battles and in the end, it felt much more immersive than fast traveling.
Sorry to hear that.
Maybe I was on the lower floor of a 2 story building?
I know it annoys me as well. It's pretty much the reason I moved everyone out of the pre war houses ad started building my own.
For putting vendors indoors, I've found they can actually just about squeeze beneath the arched metal roof pieces. There's also a technique for making "stacked" double-height walls -- yes, with no gaps in between -- so you can also do warehouse-sized buildings if you want into which vendors will fit comfortably.
I think the appearance of leaky roofs is a Creation engine limitation. It looks like for a given environmental area, everything can be either wet, or everything can be dry, but not both. I remember noticing the same kind of issue in Skyrim too, beneath roofs that didn't even look leaky.
That's a great idea and so obvious now. I'll go on a roofing tour tonight. How do you stack walls vertically without the gap though?
You're probably right about the rain too.
Those are the only three lights that I use too.
I may use a construction light here and there but they don't seem to iluminate as well as they should, so I use them half for decoration purposes.
norespawns has a tutorial out on how to repair those broken ceilings..@youtube..
I still get rained on in the bottom floor here:
@Morrowind Hrnchamd found a way to stop rain coming through.
Or alternately, that you powered the generators with fusion cores (use them in your creation of them). I've had little trouble finding more than enough fusion cores to power my power armor and still have plenty left over, and it would make sense in the Fallout universe that you'd easily be able to power a number of things with portable nuclear power. That's actually how I thought the terminals and such always worked after 200 years, they were powered with some kind of microfusion unit or a fission battery (objects you found all the time in prior Fallouts). One core should make a genny work forever so it's not like you'd have to keep refueling it. Another option might be fusion cells, as those are super plentiful.
That way your gennies won't make obnoxious noise and smoke, AND have a power supply source that makes sense.
I'm also with the comment upthread that it makes no sense we don't have working refrigerators. WE CAME OUT OF A CRYOGENIC POD, for crying out loud. There's a whole vault full of high tech refrigeration materials that's just waiting to be cannibalized and used to save the Commonwealth with. Not to mention, if we can have a walking refrigerator/still in the game (the Drinking Buddy) we should also be able to at least make a reasonably functional minifridge.
I love the settlement stuff but I agree if you are putting something together from scratch, you should have the option of making nice stuff. Let it be locked behind a magazine, even, but it should be there. Especially when as the OP notes, many nice-looking ingame objects already exist.
Also, there's all this paint around---why can't I paint my walls? All you'd have to do is duplicate a few of the existing walls but make them blue, yellow, or green.
If you turn generators on and off a couple of times the sound will get less.
Im glad you found a way.
I felt kinda bad for getting your hopes up, lol.
IDK how or why but I have some buildings that don't leak.
I know because I spend a lot of time indoors arranging stuff.
Morrowind code patch allows one to put collision upon the rain.. Stopping it from coming through.
Sadly Bethesda has chosen not to use this. No way to stop it in Fallout 4.
I think another cool feature would be to have more options for what we can assign settlers to do. How awesome would it be to have the ability to assign a settler to 'Clean'. maybe you can make a broom for him our of wood and razorgrain and give it them and then they could sweep and clean a room. I've always found it so strange that you could scrap a whole room or 'most' of it, and make it a bedroom or whatever, but yet there are still piles of disgusting trash all over the ground. I know it's post nuclear war and all, but it would take a settler 15 min to an hour to sweep a room of debris. Think of the satisfaction of coming back to Sanctuary to find all the trash and broken items gone. Settlers are always hammering against a wall with zero visible results as it is. Give us a 'Clear and sweep' option. I'm sure this is Fallout 5 stuff I'm talking about. There's so much stuff that can't be modified as far as the wasteland itself. It would probably make load times even more atrocious if the game had to render the 5000 things you modified from the original wasteland in addition to settlements.
I've also ben driven crazy by how you will be needing concrete to build something, yet they're will be a pile of 500 bricks 5 feet high next to you. It's counter intuitive to have so many raw materials that have seemingly survived the wasteland, that for some reason do not meet the criteria. Yet I can scrap a barrel for steel that is rusted to hell with a hundred holes in it but not the pile of bricks I'm standing on.
Cleaner sounds like a great idea. Here's some of the jobs I've though of:
Cook: Assigned to stove
Barber: Assigned to barber shop chair
Herder: Assigned to the brahmin tub they gather around.
Postman: Assigned to a mailbox like the ones in FONV
prosttute: Assigned to corner
Musician: Assigned to guitar on stand (like TES bards)
Repairman: Assigned to special tool box or work table (I know stuff already repairs itself over time, but this would be right away)
Assistant manager: To insure maximum settlement output (profit)