I love the new settlement system. It makes it seem like time is really going by when settlements are constantly developing. (I role play that the settlers are the ones who build stuff while I'm gone, except for Sanctuary Hills and The castle).
There's one thing that bothers me about settlement building though , and that's the lack of new looking items that you see all over the place but don't show up in the parts interface.
Beds: All the beds you can build are dirty beds with no sheets, even though I've found new looking beds with sheets and even bunk beds in the game world. Why? Why can't I make clean bed with sheets for myself and my people?
Toilets: The only toilet I'm allowed to build is not only dirty as hell but the seat is hanging off. I've already seen at least 2 types of clean unbroken toilets in the game world. Why can't I build a clean unbroken toilet for me and my people? What about the showers and sinks? We can't use them or scrap them. I'd like to make restroom facilities for my people, but not with dirty toilets and no showers or sinks...
Cinder blocks: There's cinder blocks and pieces of cinder block walls all over the place, that you can actually break down into concrete to make foundations for wood floor squares. Why can't I use the cinder blocks to make cinder block walls? The're even different color paints that you could use to paint buildings you made out of cinder blocks!
Signs: The're a small selection of signs you can post on stuff but not a lot that actually matter. As some of you may already know, placing vendor stalls indoors can be tricky because the top of it hits the ceiling (You can actually lower the stalls a few inches into the ground to make them fit) Why can't we have the signs that come with the stalls so that we can post them outside of our Clinics and Bars and other shops. I want to be able to Identify what each building is from the outside. I realize this isn't a big deal though.
Scrapping: Why Oh why are there so many things that we can't scrap or just destroy? The tall dead shrubs are killing me! It feels and looks silly to have to build around them. Why can't we scrap them for wood or just destroy them? What about skeletons? "Bone" is even a material in the game, but I can't scrap or destroy 200 year old skeletons and sometimes some of the bodies of ghouls or raiders that you killed to clear a settlement for .. Uh.. Settlement, stay there and re spawn if you move them away? (The farm south of Abernathy's being a fine example) I love that place but I don't go there anymore because it's annoying to see the dead ghouls all over the place. Another thing that makes no scrapping sense is that we can scrap SOME of the houses at Sanctuary Hills but now others.. WHY?
It makes no sense to live among the ruins of 4 or 5 houses that you can't scrap and you have to go about looking for those same materials..(metals and wood)
Working Appliances: Why can't we restore a refrigerator to working order? You can build power generators and water purifiers and other even more complex items from scrap but you can't get a fridge to work? All we have to pass as a refrigerator right now are the ice bins. Even if they are aren't working, why can't we just use the same ones that are everywhere in the game and pretend they work?
The Jukebox: This must be some kind of cruel joke... Why would they give us a beautiful jukebox that's hard set to the classical music station? I build an awesome bar around it before I realized this.. I just set up a bunch of radios set to the Diamond city station and left the jukebox there, turned off, for decoration.. Thanks Bethesda...
More Jobs: This isn't so much a complaint, but a request. I wish we could assign people to stoves as cooks, and maybe have a barber. (Assigned to a barber chair perhaps) We could also assign settlers to tend to the bramhin (Since you can make them gather in one spot) I think a postal service would be pretty cool too, so you could send heavy stuff like guns and armor to other settlements like you could do in FONV. They could make it even better than FONV by letting you assign a postman for different areas. (Like each postman could only deliver to 4 or 5 different settlements at a time) I realize that would tax the system by having another kind of provisioner walking around, so just one postman and mailboxes like FONV would be fine really.
Well, there's my rant about settlements. I'm sure there's a couple of more things that I'm forgetting right now but that's about the thick of it. This is mostly the stuff that I didn't see addressed in what seems to be the patch notes for 1.3. I've been playing games for 30 years but I don't know much about making them, so if there are actually reasons for not including the stuff I'm asking for or scrapping the stuff I wish I could scrap, let me know. Also, I'm a dirty console peasant (PS4), so don't waste your time telling me about console commands.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Macabro is my PSN ID so feel free to add me if you wish.