The perks aren't good enough for me to only have access to 10.
So I was wondering, is there any mod out there that beefs up perk effects and stuff?
Maybe merge Animal Friends' ranks into 1 rank?
Merge Comprehension and Retention?
Make Travel Light do 20% speed?
Make Demolition Expert have 1 rank of +50% damage?
Swift Learner +20% exp gain. (1 rank)
Toughness +5DT (1 rank)
And if there is no such mod, could I request from someone that knows how to create or alter perks to develop this mod? (Certain perks like Laser Commander, Ninja and Rad Child are fine the way they are, but a lot of perks have weak effects.)
I tried modding perks in Fallout 3 and it went to [censored] so fast that I know I don't have the knowledge required to make this mod.