You've done an excellent job with those, PhonAntiPhon. For those who might not realize, body tattoos like this can be fiendishly difficult. The body mesh stretches and contracts the textures in various areas, distorting the design. Really, I am very impressed. You've done a heck of a job. The colors are a little bright for my taste (I'm more of a tribal person myself) but I do like the designs very much. I particularly like the 'garter' tattoo. I think that came out very nice. *thumbs up*
Well thank you, but I would like to point out that the actual baselayer tattoos are not mine, I can't link to them here because it's an advlt file on TESN.
I am about to embark on a learning curve involving actually applying my own tattoos (gulp).
My contribution was to use to open the DDS files and apply the colouration to tattoos in the same way that I did the nail varnish - and that was actually slightly more challenging than you might think because obviously you have line up the colours on both sides of the body!
Interestingly when I first applied the (unpainted) tattoos it never occurred to me to paint them but it increasingly felt like Niamh almost "required" it - if you see what I mean. I know the colours are bright but I wanted to go for a "stained glass window" effect, and as such I think she actually IS a work of art. Afterwards it seemed to be a good contrast because she is adorned with this ink, on her skin which is clear and pale and Vilja has a big blue dragon sleeve-tattoo on top of freckled, scarred and pock-marked skin.
They kind of represent 2 halves yet both are attractive in their own right though almost in direct opposition to their actual personalitys - (Niamh looks "purer" but is darker whereas Vilja is, or at least was once, the opposite).
I find that kind of pleasing...
So thank you Pseron, on behalf of me and the original texturiser!!
(I swear I am too honest for my own good)!!