-So you go visit Whiterun to tell the Jarl that the dragon attack is serious and he should help Riverwood.--which he never does but whatever.
-The Graybeards somehow magically divine that you have absorbed a dragon soul and summon you.
-You go visit them and bask in their kind tutelage and get sent off to learn more on your own.
-Delphine the snark somehow magically discovers that you are working with them.. -sorry but no she can't possibly be following you and no she doesn't have the resources to have someone else following you.
She also makes a statement "The Graybeards are nothing if not predicable." This statement makes no sense.. In the base game there is no other Dragonborn.. Ulfric is not a Dragonborn. He learned by studying for years. So how could she possibly know that 1. You are working with the Graybeards and 2. What quest they would send you on, since there are no other Dragonborn since Talos.
I'm curious if anyone has used the option in dialog with Delphine "We are done here" I think I will next game. -L-
Too much thinking.. One dear to me is coming tomorrow -s-
Ok back to topic. So this Esp enchanced Delphine who magically knows everything you are doing before you do it -lol-
I never help them.. Does her attitude get any better if you do? I went outside and the only person who actually does help you "Esbern" went outside and told a story about a dream he had. And for once Delphine kept her trap shut and listened.. He sat on the ground and I glanced around.. I had a sudden flashback of Cloud Ruler Temple and how Kind Martin and Jeoffree (sp) were to my characters..
It was beautiful and I could see the mountains and Imagine sitting there beside him until I had cobwebs all over me.. Just pondering life..
I'm considering helping them this time but I just hate Delphine the know it all snark so very very much!
As I recall if you go back to the Graybeards they also have lots of snark because "where did you hear that??!!"
And basically say they don't care if the world ends and they won't help you.
Everyone always wants something don't they?
So I was pondering all this and wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on it..