So, I've been dealing with the scores of minor bugs and glitches all along (by minor I mean they weren't game killers, but some were still pretty serious), but now anytime I try to enter the Vegas Strip my game crashes and the autosave file is corrupted. It keeps happening over and over, and there is no way I can get onto the strip. I would just reload an older save or even start another character, but how do I know that it will not just happen again at some point? I've been a Bethesda fan for a long time (since the very first Elder Scrolls game) so I'm used to dealing with the occasional bug. When you make games as complicated and expansive as theirs, the occasional bug is to be expected. However, this game is a different animal entirely. I am just so frustrated and angry with the developers right now. I was eagerly awaiting this game, and went out and bought it the day it was released, but I wish I had waited. It's obvious to me that this game was rushed into release before it was ready. They should have pushed the release date back and fixed the issues, prior to releasing it. It seems like somone at Bethesda said "What do you mean the game isn't finished? Well, go ahead and release it anyway and we will finish it though updates." After the experience I've had with this game I will have to think twice before buying another Bethesda game. I'm not happy about this, because as I said I have been playing and loving their games for a very long time. But if this is the kind of quality we can expect from them in the future, I will just have to stick with playing Oblivion and Fallout 3.