It's a lot of fun! Especially on Master with Deadly Dragons installed!
On each fight, my Ranger has had to use every tool at his disposal to down these legendary beasts! I was pulling out my hair fighting Big S near Kynesgrove. It wasn't until I made a bunch of lingering damage poisons, and remembered that I had the ability to summon a certain dwemer researcher's shade was I able to take him down.
See, my Ranger had been adventuring Skyrim, trying to help where possible. He was in search of this ancient stone dragon tablet for Farengar, looking for clues scattered across the land (head-canon that he wasn't told exactly where it was) He had risen in the ranks of the Companions, helped the Mage's College save tamriel, and even become head of the Thieve's Guild.
He had become Thane of all the holds (save Windhelm), and the Jarl of Falkreath had even given him a parcel of land overlooking Lake Illianata where he could store his research into the re-appearance of the dragons. He had his steward care for the house and livestock while away.
It wasn't until the Ranger had helped the Dawnguard vanquish the vampire threat from Skyrim that he finally learned the location of the accident, as fate would have it. The trader in Riverwood had asked for someone to help with some thieves and, know the rest.
Point being, after hundreds of hours in Skyrim with no dragons, fighting them again has been a blast. What is new is that I now have the ability to call forth a dragon of my own. So now, if I run into a dragon that summons a group of undead minions, big D will keep the dragon busy fighting in the sky while Jenassa and I dispatch those on the ground. These battles are truly epic, with skies opening up, meteors falling from the sky, or thunderous lightning bolts striking the battlefield. The battles are an exercise in patience, as well. I need to allow time for my poisons to do their deed. Most battles involve a good deal of swift maneuvering from cover to cover, trying to find a good shot, all the while minding any magic the lizards is spitting my direction.
Now, after learning the full potential of Fus-Roh-Dah from the Greybeards, the Ranger continues to be tested by them by being sent to word walls guarded by dragons, learning as much of the Way of the Voice as he can in order to save Tamriel. He is also collecting these fabled masks worn by powerful Dragon Priests, whose secrets have yet to be discovered.
TL;DR version:
After hundreds of hours of adventuring in Skyrim completing nearly every objective available to me, I have started the main quest, opening up many more hours of gameplay to be had simply by hunting dragons and the words of power they guard (and Dragon Priest masks). Each battle is friggin' epic and awesome...still yet to start Dragonborn, even.
Anyway, of to hunt some dragons!