Ok so my last character was about six months ago. I've made about twenty over the duration of two years and I've finished all the quests and it all started to become a little mechanical. I decided to create one last character that used sneak, melee, archery and magic; an all-rounder. I planned to have him complete every faction quest, the main quest line and rattle off every other quest that popped up in his journal. I was also going to buy every house in every city.
I managed to do all the main quests and guild quests and a few side quests. I was two dragon masks away from getting the ultimate, destroy everything apocalypse mask. And I bought four houses. I think I was something like level forty eight... My old character, K'var Storm-Tooth is still sitting on my PS3, filling me with guilt hahahaha. Since then I've just been strolling the melancholy paths of the forums but recently I've had the urge that everybody gets- To go skinny dipping. Lol joking! I want to start a new character.
Pretty much all of my characters have had some sort of sneak element in their play and all the ones that didn't seemed to fail quite miserably I want to start a mage that focuses on destruction and some other magic skill. I don't as yet know what race he'll be but I think I'm going to go with someone that avoids buying anything. Because that's where it got boring for me.
Anyway, sorry for the presidential speech I've just written but I want to be sure before I start my final character. (I say that but we all know I'll go back ) So... Help?