We are reading there will be a Fallout 4 beer in UK, and now a Nuka Cola Quantum, sold at Target US... Uhm....
Not sure what to say or think.. Waiting for the next groceries to appear...
We are reading there will be a Fallout 4 beer in UK, and now a Nuka Cola Quantum, sold at Target US... Uhm....
Not sure what to say or think.. Waiting for the next groceries to appear...
I'm expecting the Quantum to taste like Jones Soda, really. Really sweet.
McDonalds presents... Brahmin burgers! .. and don't forget to grab an order of InstaMash fries!
As soon as the Iguana Bits get sold I start looking for Soylent Green and lost all hope for humanity.
I live near a large Hmong community and have been to some of their yearly festivals. Apparently their cuisine consist of everything fried and on a stick... and they do hunt squirrel. So while I haven't specifically seen squirrel on a stick, I'll keep an eye out for it.
That's what I am having now as apparently the Target stores in my area only had 12 bottles and sold out in 5 minutes. So Sam Adams here I come (angry at such limitation of the item and getting there when the store opened and missed it by a couple people).