What exaclty can G.E.C.K. NOT do?
In other words, what are it's limits? Can you, for example, make a huge outdoor space and load/ spawn the player there from the beginning, effectively creating a complete "new" game? Or can you ""only""(!) add dungeons to the exisiting main world (Fallout 3.esm) and perhaps mod the certain main aspects of the main game? (stat tweaks, weapons for example)
The last time i modded for fun, was with the BUILD engine from 3D Realms (way, way, WAY, back people. It wasn't called a 2.5D- opposed to a proper 3D-engine or nothing....)
You could almost make a complete new game from start to finish (if you wanted too "waste" years of your life) with the tools provided. You could let the player spawn in your word from the very the start. In effect, you could create a complete new game from the ground up, being only limited to the game engine (and as i recall you could even make your costum sprites en textures etc etc).
I came across g.e.c.k. after playing FO3 alot and dicided to try my hand at modding once again. And after 12 years I might as well be a complete noob at it. I'm just rying to get myself motivated into poring evening after evening of hard work to make just 1 tiny dungeon / area.
If it's been asked and answered a millions times: I'm soory. It's just that I couldn't find a simple explanation of what you can't do with Geck.
Thanks in advance !