I honestly don't understand the way they choose things.
But let's take a couple of examples and speculate.
Primm and Vegas' people are largely left as citizens which they lord over. Why?
I think it's cause these people are civilized people who try to work to make a better tomorrow (Excluding the casino's of course).
I think that people in towns are allowed to become citizens as they are part of a civilized world.
So let's look at "tribes" then.
Tribes largely don't contribute to make the world better, to rebuild the world and try to start producing lost things and to make the world move forward.
Tribes are largely isolationist groups of people who hold true to their culture and goals.
Legion wants everything under their banner, nothing else is allowed to exist in their nation but their people.
So the Khans, they offer a good strategic point, to attack from the west at the Dam.
They are also strong warriors that could be integrated to make their army a tad bigger.
But do they contribute to the world?
Their elders are part of a raiding tribe, they hold no knowledge of honest work.
As such they are not useful for the civilized world, they are not useful as slaves as they're old, and they're not useful as legionnaires because the older they are the harder it's going to be for them to let go of their past.
My guess is that the elders post a threat to their Legion due to them being older, wiser and more stuck up with their beliefs.
So they're a "threat" that must be eliminated.
So to shorten it down:
Towns are useful for production.
Tribes are blights on their lands that needs to be A. Killed. B. Enslaved. C. Integrated.
But that's just my speculation of it.

Dude, I saw 5 legionaries get owned by 5 merchants/caravan guards. Not one of the merchants/caravans died. I laughed my butt off. Imagine what one paladin can do.
Note: gameplay is flawed in representing legionnaires according to their lore in terms of their combat efficiency, so taking 3 NCtRoopers and 3 legionnaires won't depict a battle true to their lore.@Obsidian, for [censored]s sake update the Legion so that they become an actual challenge. Give them +10 DAM and +30% attack speed with Melee/Unarmed weapons, give them +4% critical chance, give them +20% running speed and give them +50% limb health.
The fact that the legionnaires fail their ambush on a caravan north of Wolfhorn Ranch is evidence that they are not depicted according to their lore in gameplay.
Screw weapon tweaking in the next patch, tweak Legion to make them better.