When I enter a place where Ive dropped things on the ground before, they are lifted up in the air and dropped anew each time. Same happens to dragon skeletons.
Ive heard this issue happens to houses aswell? If you decorate it, all your stuff gets lifted up and dropped each time you enter?
Is it not possible to decorate houses like in Oblivion and Morrowind in Skyrim?
It's possible to decorate your house, but there's definitely an issue with things staying put when you reenter the cell. Also, the grab function is even worse than in Oblivion.
After I place an item I manually save straight away. It seems to work as everything has stayed exactly where I put it for quite a while now (and I no longer rage at Lydia for wrecking the place).
Also grabbing and manipulating items is different and more clunky but I've kinda figured it out and tbh it's not as bad as people think... not as good as the oblivion system, but not totally fubar either.
I recall seeing a link posted somewhere on the forums on the subject of manipulating items (as in tips) but I can't seem to find it, if anybody could point it out I'd be grateful to know I didn't just dream it.
For me, items in my house were returned to where they were originally dropped from my inventory the first time, but after I placed them back where I wanted they stayed put. But placing items is even more difficult this time round, so prepare yourself for some frustration! Also, some people have noted that some items disappear from the game if they're not placed in a container, so I wouldn't put out anything I really wanted to keep just to be safe (although that hasn't happened to me yet). I've also been told that placing a bow and sword next to each other on an armour rack caused the sword to disappear. The more you know!
Its worked fine for me, one thing I did notice, if I place an item down before letting go, it mostly ends up on the floor later, but if I put an item somewhere letting go and having drop in to place from a few inches, then it mostly stays put.
I attempted to do a bit of decorating but all I managed to do is mess things up so I just gave up on decorating all togather, all I really do is use the weapon stands, book shelves and throphy mounts.
I was amassing a fine collection of Dibella statues in my Whiterun home. Had them all neatly lined up at the top of my stairs - very pretty. Next time I returned home they had all vanished. I was devastated. And by that stage Lydia was lying dead and naked in a ditch so I couldn't even find out if she'd sold them for extra sweet rolls or crack...
I had this problem in Oblivion and ive still got it in skyrim, though like Ulric Bale-Eye said
After I place an item I manually save straight away
it seems to work as a temp fix, just very strange why it happens and annoying sometimes, especially if youve stacked alot of gold ingots on a flat table, only to find there scattered all over the floor when you come back to your'e house :confused:
Yeah don't spend hours on it. One of the best things from from TES no longer works. Unless they fix it. Which they won't because its not "a top priority"
My fully upgraded Markarth house had every item (EVERY ITEM) drop through whatever was supporting it (shelf, table). Very frustrating to fix and there are some items (rags/forks) that I cant even pick up so they are just awkwardly under tables.
I really hope they fix this because a lot of things keep moving around every time you leave and enter certain areas.
I.E. yesterday I killed a dragon near a village then I went to the village's inn to spend the night. The next morning when I left the inn the dragon skeleton was bouncing in the front door.
I think he likes me because he's following me. Maybe I'm gonna pet him.
I have the Whiterun house and everything only gets dropped once. Like I put something brand new on a table and when I enter the house again it is on the floor and I have to put it back. But once it happens the first time it never happens again.
I don't know if it's a PS3 thing or not, but if I save my game inside my Whiterun house and then reload tha save I appear in my house with all the furniture and lights gone. The kicker is that my stuff is still all there, just thrown all over the floor. Happens every time. Have to leave and enter again to fix it and even then the stuff stays all askew and n the floor.
Mine always move to where they first dropped out of my inventory, it's so annoying. I've managed to lose a book this way, and I can't see where it's gone. Dragging things to where I want makes no difference, as soon as I go out of the house and come back in again, everything has gone back to it's original place.
I gave up placing objects on tables etc... as when i return they are on the floor. Only thing i add, are books to the bookshelf, and weapons into weapon racks, atm.
Does it still happen to you guys after upgrading the house? I had this problem too, and after I upgraded my house, there was a candlestick on the floor that I placed on the table, and it was there again when I came back a day or so later.