Hi diehards.
I've just found in the bottom of a drawer a couple of Morrowind installation discs by Red Ant Enterprises - main folders are dated 27/4/2002. I've a vague recollection of installing this and firing it up long, long ago but being a newbie to computer games I very quickly became overwhelmed by the vastness of the game and gave up on it. Being now a bit more experienced (and longer in the tooth) I'm thinking of giving it another go but can anyone tell me:
1. Will it run under Windows 7? My current gaming machine could, I suspect, run Morrowind under XP in a VirtualBox without breaking a sweat but I really, really don't want to go there.
2. Is the base game improved by adding the two expansions before embarking on it or can they be left for later if I get that far (I don't have them so will have to buy and download them).
3. Are there patches available still? If so which ones do I need?
4. I see there are Mods galore - which given availability would you recommend to improve the graphics/general playability, rather than create new challenges/complexities etc?