Perhaps your finishers would vary depending on your enemies weakest body part to make repetition of finisher's not occur as much.
I don't like this because I think it would allow the game to decide for you where you want to strike. You should have to intentionally go after a certain body part. In first person mode, you have complete control over which body part you want to attempt to strike. Todd even said they added in more specific animations in regards to where you aim your strike. If you aim for the knee, he'll do a low strike at the knee, aim for the head, a high strike at the head, etc. etc. Oblivion was like this, but it was more vague (simply high strikes vs low strikes). I'm assuming in Skyrim, if you aim for the left knee, you'll execute an animation that strikes the left knee. It's more specific.
So, with that in mind, I think you should only dismember a body part if you have lowered the health of said body part to a certain level, and once the overall health is low enough to execute a "finishing move", you have to intentionally aim at that low % body part to have a chance at dismembering it. Other factors like the armor he's wearing, the weapon you're using, the proficiency you have with that weapon, etc. should matter.
This would make it VERY rare.
I think it's a philosophical thing. I don't find graphic violence to be "cool". Period.
From my point of view, there's two possible ways to Go Gore:
1) make it Really Realistic.... in which case it's incredibly disturbing & disgusting, which will turn people off from the combat. And why would you want to make a combat-centric game where people wanted nothing to do with the combat system?
2) make it over-the-top.... in which case it's just gratuitous and is mostly just there for prurient purposes (for Gorn fans, and the people who go Heh. His head flew off. Cool!)
I want dismemberment to be VERY realistic, and I don't find this disturbing at all. It would not turn me off at all. You're fighting someone, head to head, and the loser doesn't get a last place ribbon. You lose, you die. Battle is brutal. IF (read my comment above in regards to locational damage) you happen to dismember a limb, it's not for fluff, or unnecessary gore, but an aspect of battle. It can be very bloody, very brutal. It's not glorified dismemberment. It's just realism. I killed someone who was trying to
kill me. To unleash a finishing move that took off his head, for example, would be the culmination of that testosterone infused battle. It would be satisfying-- not in some disgusting, sadistic way. But in "I'm still alive!" kind of way.
Ridiculous arguement. I wouldnt mind dismemberment but find it disturbing so many people are demanding it. Sick individuals it seems.
My comment is ridiculous? I disagree. His logic for no dismemberment is because Oblivion didn't have it.
THAT is bad logic. So I made an equally ridiculous comment in jest; why have dragons in Skyrim, since Oblivion didn't have them. My comment was mocking him. I was trying to be tongue-in-cheek about it to not offend, but I do feel a need to defend myself to you because you're suggesting my comment was ridiculous when it makes absolute complete sense.
You can argue not having dismemberment in Skyrim a dozen ways, but to suggest it shouldn't be in there just because Oblivion didn't have it is ridiculous and bad logic. 2 points for me. Blah!