What's with you people why must you cut your opponent limb from limb and see their organs. Isn't a stab through the back good enough? This talk isn't sick it's sadistic
would you do this to a person in real life? cut them piece by piece? you'd do a quick clean kill/ i would
Being a guy who has actually trained with longswords/maces/lance ect (i worked at medieval times age 18-21 to help pay for college...now i'm 22 and work IT...and still got to college

A clean kill is never possible, albeit i never gutted anyone....
Fights between two people who know what their doing can last for a good amount of time. So duels meant to kill would start off with some major cuts and then the first one to tire of those cuts dies, and the kills would hardly ever be clean.
Normally bodies would be highly damaged with breaks, massive cuts, and possibly some limb loss before the person would die.
Also immersion is nice.
All i want is a simulation level (
aka real real not video game real) amount of damage to be displayed on the bodies of my foes; because i wish to crush my enemies, to see them driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their women.
To live out fantasies of barbarism and blood to loot, pillage and burn.