No beheading and no lost limbs

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:59 pm

I'm glad.

this....the way it worked in fallout was terrible
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:33 pm

Calm down. In melee combat with sharp blades, things do occasionally tend to get detached.

actually the chance of dismemberment in battle is slim to none
you really cant chop off humans head just like that.... and even a chain mail is enough to protect your body from dismemberment in most occasions.

do some resewarch on the matter and you understand why dismemberment isn't so real
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:46 pm

if I'm killing people in the video game I want to see realistic effects on them, heads flying, guts rolling, hands flying off, blood spraying everywhere..... cause killing people with out that just looks .... sick *shiver*

actually people that want to kill people and see no blood or violence what so ever freak me out


There is violence and blood. Heads don't really fly off in melee combat. It just doesn't realistically happen unless you are trying to make it happen, even then it would only really work if your opponent were lying on the ground and you took an axe to them. The over the type gore you're talking about doesn't actually happen in real melee combat (except on very rare occasions or if done to purposefully mutilate enemies after a battle) and I don't see why it should happen in the game, either. The idea that guts and gore and limbs coming off actually happens all the time in real combat is just a video-game and movie trope.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:04 pm

Bleeding to death is quite quick, if a major blood vessel is severed, death can occur in less than 2 minutes. I imagine losing a leg would be even quickier.

Ha ha no, getting your throat slit/head shot is a insta kill. having your body parts severed will lead to death quickly but they still feel all the pain for at least 15 seconds and back then having your arm chopped off usually meant death beacuse it could be infected and death would be dragged out.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:13 pm

There is violence and blood. Heads don't really fly off in melee combat. It just doesn't realistically happen unless you are trying to make it happen, even then it would only really work if your opponent were lying on the ground and you took an axe to them. The over the type gore you're talking about doesn't actually happen in real melee combat (except on very rare occasions or if done to purposefully mutilate enemies after a battle) and I don't see why it should happen in the game, either. The idea that guts and gore and limbs coming off actually happens all the time in real combat is just a video-game and movie trope.

exactly and skyrim is a video game :D

cause if we want to throw around realism and and all that I can pretty much say that dragon skin is thick as hell and you can't even scratch them with swords or arrows unless u hit the weak spot (open mouth or something)

and I don't want fallout crazy gore I just want gore plain and simple, if I have a deadric katana and I swing it right something is gonna fly off no matter what :thumbsup:
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:46 am

Heh. I like the way you think. That's a good way of doing it. Have dismemberment for undead only. That way people can get their fix.

The skeletons in oblivion had a nice kind of "falling apart" feel.

exactly people could get their "fix" that way and we dont have to eviscerate people/animals.

although skinning an animal red dead style wouldn't be so bad.
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:41 pm

I LOL at you sir, beheadings in a finisher? first of all finishers shouldn't even be in the game and second they definitely shouldn't be a beheading, you should go and play god of war it's right up your alley :thumbsup:
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Sam Parker
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:49 am

I LOL at you sir, beheadings in a finisher? first of all finishers shouldn't even be in the game and second they definitely shouldn't be a beheading, you should go and play god of war it's right up your alley :thumbsup:

already did :P

so lets list the finishing moves :D

stab opponent in the gut


the end
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Beast Attire
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:26 am

Oh so you would TRY to take some one's head off?

Yes. Any problem with that?

It's as absurd as saying that headshots for snipers in a shooter game is "sadistic". Besides, calm down; it's a game, not real life.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:13 pm

Yes. Any problem with that?

It's as absurd as saying that headshots for snipers in a shooter game is "sadistic". Besides, calm down; it's a game, not real life.

help me :hugs:
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:01 pm

they are only pixels, might aswell let people kill them how ever they want :shrug:
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:58 am

I LOL at you sir, beheadings in a finisher? first of all finishers shouldn't even be in the game and second they definitely shouldn't be a beheading, you should go and play god of war it's right up your alley :thumbsup:

As far as "finishers" go, they do mean just a flourish, or animation, correct? Not some quick-time-event. As far as the appropriateness of beheadings in a game that's region is at least somewhat influenced by Scandinavian vikings, ask the 51 headless viking corpses they found at the Olympic site in Dorset, UK last year.

(P.S. I, personally, would still prefer decapitation to be a rare "treat", so to speak. See my "Vorpal blade" comment, above.)
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:59 am

actually the chance of dismemberment in battle is slim to none
you really cant chop off humans head just like that.... and even a chain mail is enough to protect your body from dismemberment in most occasions.

do some resewarch on the matter and you understand why dismemberment isn't so real

I did my research:

"Pier Gerlofs Donia is reputed to have wielded a Zweih?nder with such skill, strength and efficiency that he managed to behead multiple people with it in a single blow. The Zweih?nder ascribed to him is, as of 2008, on display in the Frisian museum. It has a length of 213 cm (84 in) and a weight of about 6.6 kg (14? lb)."

In battle of Waterloo (1815):
"Soon after the cuirassiers had retired, we observed to our right the red hussars of the Garde Imperiale charging a square of Brunswick riflemen, who were about fifty yards from us. This charge was brilliantly executed, but the well-sustained fire from the square baffled the enemy, who were obliged to retire after suffering a severe loss in killed and wounded. The ground was completely covered with those brave men, who lay in various positions, mutilated in every conceivable way. "

"Ensign Gronow of British 1st Foot Guard writes, "Our squares presented a shocking sight. Inside we were nearly suffocated by the smoke and smell from burnt cartridges. It was impossible to move a yard without treading upon a wounded comrade, or upon the bodies of the dead; and the load groans of the wounded and dying was most appaling. At 4 o'clock our square was a perfect hospital, being full of dead, dying, and mutilated bodies."
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:22 pm

Amazon has it rated as an 18 :D

Although I'd imagine that's just a precaution for pre-orders..
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:35 am

What the hell is with you kids these days?
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:28 pm

What the hell is with you kids these days?

Kids? Or is it sarcasm? The game was meant for over 18, if I am not mistaken.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:55 am

Kids? Or is it sarcasm? The game was meant for over 18, if I am not mistaken.

Not sarcasm.

Next people will be complaining about why we can't sixually assault NPCs in war zones. That actually happened so we should be able to do it! It's only a game and they're only pixels. That's realistic, right guys? :facepalm:

And if peeople say that no, this is pretty wrong and despicable, then I invite them to apply this same moralistic view to the dismemberment and mutilation of human bodies.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:33 pm

Yes. Any problem with that?

It's as absurd as saying that headshots for snipers in a shooter game is "sadistic". Besides, calm down; it's a game, not real life.

ha ha no buddy i mean in real life, I dont think you would cut someone's head off. Maybe multiple stab wounds or heavy blunt trauma but not decapitation. heavy gore dosen't fit in this type of game. maybe to undead or as a finisher, but not gears of war style.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:42 am

Not sarcasm.

Next people will be complaining about why we can't sixually assault NPCs in war zones. That actually happened so we should be able to do it! It's only a game and they're only pixels. That's realistic, right guys? :facepalm:

And if peeople say that no, this is pretty wrong and despicable, then I invite them to apply this same moralistic view to the dismemberment and mutilation of human bodies.

Exactly in murder stories decapitation Rarely happens most people aren't that sadistic. again maybe as a finisher or to Undead but heavy gore and mutilation does not fit in this type of game.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:33 pm

sry double post
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Jack Walker
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:54 pm

I'm glad.

Gore is an optional feature is just about every game that has gore.

Nobody cares if you're glad, because you would have been just as glad had there been gore, but with a feature to turn it off.

Not sarcasm.

Next people will be complaining about why we can't sixually assault NPCs in war zones. That actually happened so we should be able to do it! It's only a game and they're only pixels. That's realistic, right guys? :facepalm:

And if peeople say that no, this is pretty wrong and despicable, then I invite them to apply this same moralistic view to the dismemberment and mutilation of human bodies.

Killing people is also terribly gruesome. You shouldn't be allowed to kill people, anybody who kills somebody in TES is sick!
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:05 pm

it appears that we won't be able to behead our enemies as a "finishing" move nor cut off one of there limbs.....

if the game is M rated and has plenty of blood why the hell did they remove such a feature????

this makes me truly sad, though the game will still be pretty cool and playable I was hoping for this little sprinkle of realism in it, alas we must w8 for modders to do this YET AGAIN

I'm very disappointed Todd very disappointed :nono:

Given to how popular deadly reflex mod was in Oblivion, I'm also surprised Bethesda implemented something similar to Fallout 3 but will not be using something similar for Skyrim.

What's with you people why must you cut your opponent limb from limb and see their organs. Isn't a stab through the back good enough? This talk isn't sick it's sadistic
would you do this to a person in real life? cut them piece by piece? you'd do a quick clean kill/ i would

What's with you people against dismembering? Sharp blades and deadly blunt weapons are known to cause goring and dismembering. I'm not asking for Fallout 3 level of gore and dismemberment, but at least have dismembering happen for Skyrim depending on several factors such as amount of protection/armor a character has on, limb damage levels, etc.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:59 pm

I, for one, welcome our new enemies who's limbs aren't held together with spit and scotch tape.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:39 am

Gore is an optional feature is just about every game that has gore.

Nobody cares if you're glad, because you would have been just as glad had there been gore, but with a feature to turn it off.

Yes great idea if there is a option to turn it off sure. I just don't want to be forced to see people mutilated.
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Ria dell
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:25 am

ha ha no buddy i mean in real life, I dont think you would cut someone's head off. Maybe multiple stab wounds or heavy blunt trauma but not decapitation. heavy gore dosen't fit in this type of game. maybe to undead or as a finisher, but not gears of war style.

I care a crap about what would you or anyone do in real life.

Besides, if you think you're "better" or "more merciful" by stabbing a man to death (which would probably mean a slow death until he runs out of blood) than giving him an instant death with no suffering by beheading him, please go pay a visit to your nearest psychologist.
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