actually the chance of dismemberment in battle is slim to none
you really cant chop off humans head just like that.... and even a chain mail is enough to protect your body from dismemberment in most occasions.
do some resewarch on the matter and you understand why dismemberment isn't so real
I did my research:
"Pier Gerlofs Donia is reputed to have wielded a Zweih?nder with such skill, strength and efficiency that he managed to behead multiple people with it in a single blow. The Zweih?nder ascribed to him is, as of 2008, on display in the Frisian museum. It has a length of 213 cm (84 in) and a weight of about 6.6 kg (14? lb)."
In battle of Waterloo (1815):
"Soon after the cuirassiers had retired, we observed to our right the red hussars of the Garde Imperiale charging a square of Brunswick riflemen, who were about fifty yards from us. This charge was brilliantly executed, but the well-sustained fire from the square baffled the enemy, who were obliged to retire after suffering a severe loss in killed and wounded. The ground was completely covered with those brave men, who lay in various positions, mutilated in every conceivable way. "
"Ensign Gronow of British 1st Foot Guard writes, "Our squares presented a shocking sight. Inside we were nearly suffocated by the smoke and smell from burnt cartridges. It was impossible to move a yard without treading upon a wounded comrade, or upon the bodies of the dead; and the load groans of the wounded and dying was most appaling. At 4 o'clock our square was a perfect hospital, being full of dead, dying, and mutilated bodies."