No beheading and no lost limbs

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:35 am

I dont like gore if its for the joyment of seeing something blown up in to a billion pieces but if its funny like the bloody mess perk where they blow up if you punch them...then i dont mind.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:04 pm

Given to how popular deadly reflex mod was in Oblivion, I'm also surprised Bethesda implemented something similar to Fallout 3 but will not be using something similar for Skyrim.

What's with you people against dismembering? Sharp blades and deadly blunt weapons are known to cause goring and dismembering. I'm not asking for Fallout 3 level of gore and dismemberment, but at least have dismembering happen for Skyrim depending on several factors such as amount of protection/armor a character has on, limb damage levels, etc.

It's actually alot harder than you think to cut someone in half in one blow. Plus if they're is a turn off feature then i'm fine.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:37 am

I care a crap about what would you or anyone do in real life.

Besides, if you think you're "better" or "more merciful" by stabbing a man to death (which would probably mean a slow death until he runs out of blood) than giving him an instant death with no suffering by beheading him, please go pay a visit to your nearest psychologist.

Ha Ha nice contradiction, by stabbing someone to death you imply that they would all ready be dead, they couldn't have a slow death. Plus a stab victim would have a much higher chance of survival than someone beheaded.
Your logic is extremely flawed.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:19 pm

Besides, if you think you're "better" or "more merciful" by stabbing a man to death (which would probably mean a slow death until he runs out of blood) than giving him an instant death with no suffering by beheading him

Beheading cleanly was a very sloppy and difficult business, you know. Even when your head was on a block, it wasn't unheard of for an executioner to need two or three cuts to completely sever your head. The friends of the prisoner would pay the executioner extra money for him to make extra sure his blade was sharp.

That's why they invented the guillotine.

Even today one of the quickest and painless ways to kill anything (humans, cows etc) is certainly not to behead them, but to stab into their spinal cord and sever it. If you see them doing this to cows (they still do it in the Philippines I think) you will witness a cow walk into the pen, get a quick jab into the neck, and then flop straight to the ground as if it forgot it had legs.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:27 am

It's actually alot harder than you think to cut someone in half in one blow. Plus if they're is a turn off feature then i'm fine.

Did I say it would be easy? No. I threw in some stuff that could only possibly lead to dismemberment. I even discredited Fallout 3's level of ridiculously easy dismemberment. Besides, this is a game that's rated M. Can't stand the sight of blood, gore, dismemberment? Don't play rated M games that have extreme violence, blood, and other mature content.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:24 am

Beheading cleanly was a very sloppy and difficult business, you know. Even when your head was on a block, it wasn't unheard of for an executioner to need two or three cuts to completely sever your head. The friends of the prisoner would pay the executioner extra money for him to make extra sure his blade was sharp.

That's why they invented the guillotine.

Even today one of the quickest and painless ways to kill anything (humans, cows etc) is certainly not to behead them, but to stab into their spinal cord and sever it. If you see them doing this to cows (they still do it in the Philippines I think) you will witness a cow walk into the pen, get a quick jab into the neck, and then flop straight to the ground as if it forgot it had legs.

Exactly the blade would have to cut through all the muscle and tendons.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:26 pm

Beheading cleanly was a very sloppy and difficult business, you know. Even when your head was on a block, it wasn't unheard of for an executioner to need two or three cuts to completely sever your head. The friends of the prisoner would pay the executioner extra money for him to make extra sure his blade was sharp.

That's why they invented the guillotine.

Even today one of the quickest and painless ways to kill anything (humans, cows etc) is certainly not to behead them, but to stab into their spinal cord and sever it. If you see them doing this to cows (they still do it in the Philippines I think) you will witness a cow walk into the pen, get a quick jab into the neck, and then flop straight to the ground as if it forgot it had legs.

Not to mention the executioner had to be drunk to do what he did. :mellow:
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Sista Sila
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:31 am

Not to mention the executioner had to be drunk to do what he did. :mellow:

Yeah, that probably didn't help. :whistling:

A lot of people are quoting historical accounts of beheadings on the field of battle, but I would dismiss them as unreliable. I would look instead to the fact that they went through the trouble of inventing a guillotine because an executioner couldn't cleanly behead a person who was a) not moving around, b ) had their neck on a stationary backstop, c) was unarmored, and d) was receiving a heavy sword or axe blow from directly above, being helped downwards by gravity.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:10 pm

We don't seem to be talking about Skyrim anymore.

And OP, nothing was removed. It's not been in TES yet so nothing removed but not added. Personally I am very happy about that. It seems everyone making games these days want to add it. There are plenty of games we can see gore in and I much prefer this one being one that implies gore and allows us to use our own imaginations to fill in.

I especially feel this way because the game makes it so that we must hit something more often based upon stats. If I have to whack someone 50 times with an axe to kill it because my stats are low and theirs high, it would just be unrealistic for each whack to cause a bruise, then a scratch and then a deeper cut and so on and so forth until they were dead. When combat is based upon stats instead of clicking, I don't believe it can ever be done in a very realistic way. And in my opinion, if you don't base it upon your characters stats, it fails at being an rpg.

I was actually fine with the dice rolls in MW when the sword went right through someone and did no damage. But then I'm getting off into another discussion.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:18 pm

Yes great idea if there is a option to turn it off sure. I just don't want to be forced to see people mutilated.

Yeah, that's fine too.

I'll use my *other* favorite game franchise, Red Orchestra as an example. There's some rather extreme and highly graphic gore in that game, but they offer 3 gore levels:

- Full (dismemberment and body gibbing)
- Reduced (blood only)
- None (no blood and no gore)

So if you're offended or sickened by gore, or you think full gore is too over the top, you can change it. If anything should be optional, it should be features for enabling or disabling potentially offensive material
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:30 am

Sad indeed. I'll have to mod that in.
Blood everywhere yet they could not implement dismemberment, right. :unsure:
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:07 am

And OP, nothing was removed. It's not been in TES yet so nothing removed but not added. Personally I am very happy about that. It seems everyone making games these days want to add it. There are plenty of games we can see gore in and I much prefer this one being one that implies gore and allows us to use our own imaginations to fill in.

That's not quite true, while daggerfall didn't really have any "point dismemberment" it's death animations were quite bloody and violent.

Doesn't matter if it's pixelated or not, they'd depict disembowelment and internal bleeding which is worse than dismemberment IMO.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:41 pm

Next people will be complaining about why we can't sixually assault NPCs in war zones. That actually happened so we should be able to do it! It's only a game and they're only pixels. That's realistic, right guys? :facepalm:

Now it would be interesting to have a part where someone is being taken against their will. You have the option to help or do nothing. If the latter, they proceed into a building so you wouldn't actually witness the act. Add to the mix it'd be your own people/soldiers who are committing the act and you decide the outcome, help the innocent woman, and receive the shun of those that fight with you, or do nothing and know what happened to the poor person.
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Rodney C
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:04 pm

Now it would be interesting to have a part where someone is being taken against their will. You have the option to help or do nothing. If the latter, they proceed into a building so you wouldn't actually witness the act. Add to the mix it'd be your own people/soldiers who are committing the act and you decide the outcome, help the innocent woman, and receive the shun of those that fight with you, or do nothing and know what happened to the poor person.

In The Witcher 2 (which deals with mature themes such as this and which does feature some gore) they have something exactly like this but involving the occupants of a whole house. You're helping a King take a castle town and you see some allied soldiers trying to force their way with some civilians. I killed them all, those [censored]s. :toughninja:
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:51 am

it appears that we won't be able to behead our enemies as a "finishing" move nor cut off one of there limbs.....

if the game is M rated and has plenty of blood why the hell did they remove such a feature????

this makes me truly sad, though the game will still be pretty cool and playable I was hoping for this little sprinkle of realism in it, alas we must w8 for modders to do this YET AGAIN

I'm very disappointed Todd very disappointed :nono:

Whats sad is that you actually thought there was gonna be gore. Please...

What does being M rated have to do with there being dismemberment?

It takes a kind of developer and artist to do that kind of thing, and the right setting and mood to do it. Honestly, TES, at least from Morrowind onwards, is just not that type of aesthetic.

Yes, its sword and sorcery...but sword and sorcery doesnt MEAN gore.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:45 pm

That's not quite true, while daggerfall didn't really have any "point dismemberment" it's death animations were quite bloody and violent.

Doesn't matter if it's pixelated or not, they'd depict disembowelment and internal bleeding which is worse than dismemberment IMO.

It matters if you are me. Daggerfall also had boobs. The graphics of today changes what folks want. At least for me. And besides, they have said their will be finishing moves that are pretty gory. Which is the only time it would make sense to put it into a rpg to me.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:15 pm

They are trying to get maximum sales; cool things like mature story telling (alla witcher 2) and realistic levels of gore don't help sale games to parent's of kids.

It is possible to behead people in combat:
"Pier Gerlofs Donia is reputed to have wielded a Zweih?nder with such skill, strength and efficiency that he managed to behead multiple people with it in a single blow. The Zweih?nder ascribed to him is, as of 2008, on display in the Frisian museum. It has a length of 213 cm (84 in) and a weight of about 6.6 kg (14? lb).[2]"

People here just assume things without doing any research, based on their (lack of) knowledge in physics and mainly, lack of knowledge in history. Dismemberment is not that uncommon, specially if the attacker is on cavalry or using weapons such as greatswords (http://en.wikipedia....Zweih%C3%A4nder). In XVIII and XIX century there are many reports on post battles describing mutilated bodies.

The crappyness of the freemarket and the need of business for MAXIMUM SALES.

No dismemberment =wut? It's immersion breaking when you hit someone in the neck with a claymore and their head doesn't come off.

Because the maturity of the novels i've been reading lately and games like the Witcher 2 i really really hope skyrim doesn't feel like a kiddy game which is a fear that i am having, b/c if it does i don't think i can enjoy it. As of right now i can't bring myself to play through oblivions vanilla game because everything is so generic, toned down and obvoius.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:35 am

That's not quite true, while daggerfall didn't really have any "point dismemberment" it's death animations were quite bloody and violent.

Doesn't matter if it's pixelated or not, they'd depict disembowelment and internal bleeding which is worse than dismemberment IMO.

ah :D sounds magical

and I'm not sad they "removed" beheading I'm just sad that it not in :(
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:43 pm

when it comes to swords and blades in general this thing called a bone usually gets in the way of dismemberment axes are a different story but either way im glad i wasnt a fan of FO dismemberment shoot someone with a .32 caliber pistol and the head flies off
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:10 am

It matters if you are me. Daggerfall also had boobs. The graphics of today changes what folks want. At least for me. And besides, they have said their will be finishing moves that are pretty gory. Which is the only time it would make sense to put it into a rpg to me.

I find the violent stabbings and throat slittings to be more disturbing than a couple of well deserved dismemberments.

I guess it's not for everybody, but when I get to level 100 in my weapon skill, I expect to see a head rolling every once in a while. Going from low skill, using cheap rusty swords and hacking away at your targets, then to high skill beading people with a daedric claymore, really gives you a sense of progression and a sense that you just utterly destroyed your opponent. As long as such a gore feature would be optional (as I said, most games with gore do have this) then I dont see why anybody would care. It wouldn't be that hard to implement and if you dont like it, dont use it. :shrug:
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helen buchan
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:04 pm

when it comes to swords and blades in general this thing called a bone usually gets in the way of dismemberment axes are a different story but either way im glad i wasnt a fan of FO dismemberment shoot someone with a .32 caliber pistol and the head flies off

....maybe you should do some research of weaponry and the subject of body mutilation itself; protip bone doesnt get in the way.

The problem with society is things like this; people state things when they have done little to know research into the subject manner....ahhhh ignorance.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:01 am

What's with you people why must you cut your opponent limb from limb and see their organs. Isn't a stab through the back good enough? This talk isn't sick it's sadistic
would you do this to a person in real life? cut them piece by piece? you'd do a quick clean kill/ i would

No, its not enough, and its a game. Unless you actually kill people?
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Big mike
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:08 pm

I want to behead and dismember and disembowel my enemies in Skyrim :cry:

*throws an anger fit and rolls the floor* :cry:

I WANT IT NOW :swear:
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:52 pm

I LOL at you sir, beheadings in a finisher? first of all finishers shouldn't even be in the game and second they definitely shouldn't be a beheading, you should go and play god of war it's right up your alley :thumbsup:

Yes you should be able to behead people by simply swinging at their necks.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:58 pm

Personally, I appreciate it when gore is implemented in a certain way. If your firing the AM rifle in New Vegas, their head's better damn get blown off. However, if your running around with the BB gun, realistically that raider's head shouldn't have exploded into red mist. I think if your using a gigantic claymore, and your, say, an expert with said weapon, you should be able to completely maul an enemy. For me, it's a sense of progression. I've worked to get to this level of skill with this weapon, let my kills be more powerful, than just repeated slashing until the enemy crumples.
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