I am quite curious as to what the blue, red and yellow squares are for on the map. Bethesda is always good about including some interesting dungeons and whatnot. I love looking at stuff like this and just imagining what it could be. Creative thinking.
Seconded ! (That's why I do consider this thread as very useful / interesting- and entertaining

Pic #2 has bugged ever since I watched that video. I interpreted it - and till shown wrong, still do - that crafting/cooking will play as a minigame. That's just sad news. it's my only potencial let down with Skyrim so far.
What's wrong with crafting / cooking to "play as a minigame" ? How would you like it ?
And the "Player playing cool anims"- note indicates, they'll try to make it cool and fitting with the remaining game design, which is all in favor of providing the feel of a "real" (fantasy) world for the player, imo.
By the way: I hope this "cool anims" will be
skippable, since it may really be be cool, when you do it the first time (and I'm all for "cool anims"), but
maybe certainly they're not this cool any more when you do it 100+ times. :rolleyes:
Also, in this map-screen:
... I was wondering, why there is a "dark square" in the lake south-west of Riverwood ? Don't dark squares normally indicate small towns / dungeons (or at least those "special points of interest") ? Does this mean, there's something special in / below the lake ? Would be awesome, if you ask me (always hoped for a secret city / dungeon in the water).
I didn't even think about it being underwater. Maybe it's a shipwreck. It could also be a floating town or something on a tiny island as well.
A shipwreck ? In a small lake with only a small river connected to it ? Would have to be a very small ship, too, don't you think ?
But this:
I've stared at this map quite a bit, but for the first time, I notice just east of Windhelm the words, "divine birth". Any ideas about that?
... is very interesting for me, too ! Also the word, which is written right above (but I'm not able to read properly) Has anybody an idea, what it could be ? - And also the words: "So, the greater ?" just beside of it - strange ! :hubbahubba:
And for the auto-looting / taking gold -thing:
I would guess, it's all meant to make it easier / provide a better game-flow for the hasty-ones

... and for the others they will make it optional.