That behemoth is particularly fun. Because you can kill it by activating missiles. There is a switch nearby. The missile attacks don't always hit, but if you stay hidden and fire enough times you can kill the Behemoth and his friends without even getting a scratch (assuming you get to the missile activation switch).
ok so i do have te stateman hotel area on my map
where do i go after loading up that area ???
what do i look for ???
i watched the one in the capitol building have its leg randomly blown off :/ (will that count against the achievment ??? or will i still get the achievvment for killing all the behomeneths???)
i have like 1 of each type of weapon dlc and vannila all im missing is a few uniques ... what should i too many to select from

:/ ran out of minigun ammo last night cant belive i actually used 5000+ rounds!!! ah well i still got like 650 shotgun shells and the pitt is still added on so i could make like 6.5k more ???
i hate my energy weapons skill every energy weapon i use makes globs of ash or goo 100% of the time :/ are there any energy weapons that do not make goo puddles or ash piles or if tehy do its liek 1/1000 kills ??? (besides melee my melee skill is like epic low i think its still 15 i havent found teh bobble head and im level 30)